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It had been a week since the break up and everything happened, luckily being up with the girls you didn't bump into Steve at all. You heard his voice down a corridor and you froze, turning back round and walking in the opposite direction.

Now it was Friday night and that meant girls night. As you all missed last Friday you started early.

"Y/N, pass the wine." Nat said trying not to move her face as the clay face mask dried.

You grabbed the nearly empty bottle off the desk and passed it over to Nat, "I swear I'm not drinking as much as last time. I can't deal with another sprained ankle."

"Maybe don't fall down the stairs." Wanda laughed, filing her nails.

"Luckily I don't have to worry about that being across the hall." You smiled widely and finished your glass. "I just can't."

Nat sighed and pored the last of the wine into your glass, "is this about what Steve said?"

You forgot you'd told them everything that was said in the argument; where Steve pretty much called you immature and had a go for getting drunk with the girls. You hoped the girls would have forgotten...but of course not.

"No-" you started but Wanda sighed.

"Don't lie." She raised an eyebrow and put her nail file down. "Steve's a great friend. But he was a shitty boyfriend."

"He wasn't that bad..." you picked up your wine glass and downed what Nat had poured you, forgetting your earlier comment.

"Yes he was." Nat rolled her eyes and placed her glass down, holding onto your knees as you sat on the chair and she was on the bed. "He would comment on what you did, who with. What you wore..."

"He hated your friendship with Bucky." Wanda added.

"I mean, he had reason to there." You mumbled looking at your girlfriends.

"But that's the thing, he didn't. You were with him and wanted him. He should have trusted you." Nat smiled and raised her eyebrows, "you know I'm right."

You nodded, knowing she was right. You grabbed a new bottle of wine and screwed the cap off, filling your glass. Oh who cares! Just get drunk....

An image flashed before your eyes. It didn't last long, but you made out Buckys face under dark strands of hair. He was sat opposite you, but no matter what you did you couldn't move, you couldn't get closer to him.

A blood curdling scream rang through your ears and you closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes quickly and found you were still in Wandas room. You picked your head up to see Wanda lying next to you and Nat with a blanket of the floor, both sleeping.

You carefully got off the bed and crept out the room to your own across the corridor. You turned on the side light and pulled the desk chair over to the wardrobe, standing on it to reach the back of the wardrobe.

You found the little black box and pulled it out, getting off the chair and sitting on the bed, the box sitting in front of you. You pulled the lid up on the hinge and pulled out the contents.

Buckys tags sat carefully in the palm of your hands as the chain lay over your fingers. The light from beside you caught the metal and made it shine, the imprint of his name a bit more prominent.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now