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At the meeting, you sat opposite Bucky next to Wanda and Clint. Tony was stood at the end of the table with Bruce and Steve close by. The other end sat Pietro, Nat and Sam.

"There's this building that just doesn't sit right with us." Tony put a couple of photographs up on screen.

The building looked as if it was an office block, nothing weird or suspicious about it.

"There is no address for it. The building on the left is 266, the right 267." Steve added, pointing at the two buildings. "So what the hell is this building?"

"I want Y/N and Bucky to stand watch over it. See who comes and goes. See if anything happens." Tony pointed to the two of you.

"What?" You and Bucky said in unison.

You shot a look at him and his face dropped. His eyes didn't sparkle. His lips didn't curl in that small smirk that appeared whenever the two of you were put on missions together; it was an excuse to mess about and just be yourselves without anyone else watching. Now you understood why he was like that; he could flirt without Steve knowing and you'd just wave it off as banter.

"Your lead helped us find this place. So it's only fair you go." Tony smiled at you as you pulled your eyes away from Bucky. "And you and Bucky work brilliant together."

"How long are we suppose to watch this place?" Bucky asked, his jaw clenched waiting for the answer.

"24 hours." Tony clicked up some more slides and pictures.

Bucky looked down to the floor, biting his lip and shaking his head. "Surely her boyfriend should go?"

"Yeah, why doesn't Steve join me?"

"And have you fuck everywhere rather than keep watch?" Clint shook his head at Bucky. But it wasn't a normal shake of the head, his face screwed up and he shot this look at Bucky.

"There's an apartment opposite that's empty for the week; the owners are on holiday." A flash of the apartment block opposite came on screen as Tony spoke.

You stared at Tony, confused how he knew that.

"People put a lot of information on social media. They really need to be careful."


The meeting ended but you stay sat, Clint stayed next to you. Everyone left and the two of you sat in silence.

"So you like Bucky."

You whipped your head round to Clint who smiled. "What? I don't -"

"Come on, Y/N. You were constantly staring at him during that meeting. And you don't want him to join you? Something happened. And I'm guessing you've figured out you like him."

You sighed. Could you finally admit your feelings? To Clint? You hadn't even admitted them to yourself....

"Don't tell anyone." You said slowly, folding your arms on the table and laying your head down on top, looking over to Clint. "I'm just super confused."

"Want some advice?"

You nodded, trying to hold back the tears.

"Work those feelings out before you do anything else." Clint pulled your chair closer to him and lay his head on his crossed arms on the table just like you.

"Steve and Bucky are great. In different ways. You need to work out which you want."

"Can't I have both?" You smiled as a tear rolled down your cheek.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now