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The next few weeks were busy; everyone checking the people saved, making sure they were OK.

The rubble was checked and a few bodies turned up, not victims luckily. They were all people who worked there.

That was that.

That was the end....

You sat on your bed running your fingers along the chain around your neck as you stared at the wall opposite.

"Hey, Y/N." Natasha crept in and sat on the edge of the bed, "how are you feeling?"

Earlier in the day, Bruce found all the information you needed about what happened in that place to you. Within the first few weeks of your imprisonment, you had your uterus removed.

Luckily, if you want to say that, that was the only thing removed. So it was possible to have biological kids, you just wouldn't be able to carry them. And you weren't sure if that hurt more than it all being removed; your own flesh and blood, and you'd never be able to carry it. It was a weird feeling.

Natasha and Bucky had been with you when Bruce told you. At least you had answers, but it all made you feel numb. You needed time alone.

"Better." You smiled at her. "I've just been thinking about a lot."

"Like what?"

"Just.....everything." You sighed and moved closer to her. "Everything." You pulled her in for a tight hug which surprised her.

"Oh, ok." Nat muttered and hugged back, a little confused...

A little red head poked round the door, "hey. Can we come in?"

You and Natasha looked over to the door to see Wanda smiling over, and Pietro above her.

"Of course." You pulled away from Nat as the twins jumped in and onto the bed.

The four of you snuggled together; you between Wanda and Nat, Pietro next to Nat. You all sat in silence for a few moments, not wanting to speak first.

Unfortunately, Wanda knew what was going on through your mind and gripped your hand that little bit tighter, trying not to cry.

"Please don't go." She whispered so only you could hear.

"I gotta." You smiled and took in a deep breath. "I gotta leave." You said a little louder for the others to hear.

"What no!" Pietro protested.

"Please don't" Nat added.

You pulled them in closer and took in another deep breath to hold back the tears that were forming behind your eyes, "this life isn't for me. I'm suppose to be in a house baking cookies or something."

"You can do that here." Wanda wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. You then felt a few tears on the other side of you.

You looked around the room and to your friends, seeing how for you have come, what you have achieved, who you found....

"My avenging is done." You leaned your head onto Nats as you finally let your tears fall. "Everyone is safe. Bruce and Tony will work out how to get everyone's memories back, I can't help with that. And I thank you guys for everything."


You woke wrapped in Buckys arms in his bed, your back pressed against his chest and his breath tickling your neck.

You smiled as you slowly lifted his arm off your waist and wiggled free. Kneeling on the floor you looked at him sleeping peacefully. Your heart ached for him, he was everything you wanted and more.

You gently leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. He moaned at the touch but didn't wake. You got up and walked out the room.

In the hall, you smiled at your old room and continued to the end. You leaned on the railing and looked out to the rolling hills, the clear dark blue sky littered with twinkling stars and a half moon.

It was your last night at the compound and thankfully no one did anything major; no party, no balloons. Nothing. Because it wasn't goodbye, it was just a "see you later".

A door creaked behind you making you turn to see who it was. Steve stood leaning against his door frame, smiling over at you.

"Why are you always at that window?" Steve laughed to himself, limping over. His leg still wasn't completely healed from where Bucky shot him, but he was handling it like...well, like Captain America should.

"It's peaceful." You smiled and turned back to the window when Steve got to you.

He leaned on the railing too and sighed, "it's gonna be weird without you here."

"It's gonna be weird not being here."

"Where will you go?"

"Clint said I can stay with him, Laura and the kids." You looked over to Steve who continued to stare out the window, "Tony's renovating an apartment that he said I could have. It's just gonna take a few more weeks."

"That's nice of him." Steve swallowed hard and looked to the floor, "was I a bad boyfriend?"

"What!? No!" You turned fully to him, linking your arm under his and lifting his chin to look at you.

"Life is so different from 10 years ago when I last knew it. So I hate to think how different life is for you and Bucky. How society has changed, how behaviours have changed. It must be awful for you two."

Steve looked into your eyes, tears slowly forming in his, "doesn't seem hard for him."

"It is." You smiled, trying to comfort him a little, "he just shows it differently."

"Steve, you will always be special to me." You took in a deep breath, ready to admit that one thing you said you'd never let him know.... "When you asked, after I got my memories back, if you were my first?"

"Yeah, yeah I remember. You were in the hospital bed and I said it didn't change anything either way." Steve frowned as he spoke, listening closely to me.

"I guess it does now." You took in another breath and smiled, "the memory of my first time, wasn't mine. You were my first Steve. And I will hold that close forever."

Steve smiled and looked back out the window, "did you know at the time?"

"No. But, I didn't trust my own mind. I didn't know what was me and what was someone else. I just had to go on feelings. And what I felt for you was...." You tried to think of the word but nothing came close.

"Nothing comes close. I just felt....right with you." You wrapped both arms around his bicep and leaned into him, resting your head against his arm as he leant his head on yours.

"You and Bucky are perfect for each other, you know that right? That's why I hated the two of you together." Steve placed a hand over both of yours and gently ran his thumb over your knuckles.

"Yeah, he's alright ain't he." You moved your head back and looked up into Steve's eyes, smiling.

"You'll always be the one that got away."

"And you'll always be my first love."


* ~ * T H E E N D * ~ *

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now