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You stormed into Wandas room and fell face first down onto her bed, waking her from her slumber.

"Damn girl, what do you want this early?" Wanda screwed up her face and looked over to her alarm clock before turning to you.

"How do you know?" You muffled into the mattress.

"Know what?" Wanda cleared her throat and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"How Bucky likes me." You turned over to your back and looked to an upside down Wanda.

She let out a yawn, "thought you didn't want to know?"

You sighed and closed your eyes, "I woke up and heard noises from Buckys room." Wanda frowned, slowly nodding her head as she listened but you stopped talking.

Her mind went straight to yours and she finally understand what you meant. "Oh...oh." She let out softly, a small smirk appearing. "Nice to know he's thinking of you."

You jumped up and looked her dead in the eyes, "I didn't need to hear that! Let alone my name!"

Wanda tried to stuff her laughter down her throat at her friend being so uncomfortable.

"Don't" you pointed a finger at Wanda as you saw her shoulders jiggle from stifling her laughter, "how am I suppose to look at him?" You frowned, throwing your head in your hands.

"Does he know you heard?"

"No" you sighed and picked your head back up, "I don't think so. I came straight here. I didn't see him."

"Then just pretend you didn't hear." Wanda suggested.

You raised an eyebrow at her stupidity. "Pretend I didn't hear? That's your advice?" You sighed again and crossed your legs, "how do you know he likes me?"

"Well, jerking himself off thinking of you is a big give away."

You grabbed a pillow and threw it at Wanda, making her finally ball out with laughter. "Come on, Wanda. Please! What did you see in his mind? What was he thinking about?"

Wanda calmed herself down, smiled and took your hands in hers. "Babe, I just looked at him."

You frowned confused, "what? No, you saw something...right?"

"I saw how he was with you." She smiled again and ran a thumb over your knuckle.

"He's smitten babe. Every time you speak his eyes light up. When you touch him, he flinches and tenses. It's like he's scared of what he might do and is stopping all his instincts to just..." she paused for a moment, trying to think of the next word. "To just grab you and kiss you."

"Wanda -" you sighed, shaking your head at your mind reading pal. Fed up of everyone seeming to see these feelings.... Everyone except you.

"No, I know." She held her hands up but continued to look at you, "you're just friends. But babe, you think about him too."

You stood up and shook your head, "Nope. I can't. I'm with Steve! I can't think of Bucky like that! He can't think of me like that."

"Sweetie, you don't think of someone like that if you don't have some sort of feelings for them."

Wanda was of course making sense. But you just couldn't believe it. Bucky was your friend. You didn't have feelings for him.... Right?

Wanda sighed and got out of bed, standing in front of you. "Just watch Buck next time you're with him. Body language tells you so much about a person; you don't need to read minds to know what people are thinking about."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now