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You heard a high pitch constant beep. You placed your hands over your ears to try stop the ringing that was piercing your ear drums. You shut your eyes tight, wishing the sound away.

"Hey, hey Y/N!"

Two hands grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands off your ears. You looked up in to blue eyes...

"Bucky!" You flung your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist. "Oh my God you found me."

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Bucky pulled you to your feet and pushed you out the door quickly.

You looked around the two of you and frowned, "Where's Steve?"

"Erm... I don't know." Bucky lied. And you could tell.

"Bucky?" You pulled your hand out his grip, "where is he?"

Bucky swallowed hard and tried to take your hand again, but you moved away from him. "We haven't got time! Please!"

"Not without Steve!" You screamed at him and turned to walk away.

Bucky finally gave up and grabbed your hand, pulling you along the corridor to the room he had left Steve in.

You ran in and saw the two screens; one empty room and one full of people. The countdowns on each screen were getting lower and lower; only seconds were left.

And then you saw him on the floor, a bullet wound in his leg. Steve sat up slightly, pain over his face as he tried to move the leg.

You ran over to him, kneeling down and looking at the wound, bleeding over the floor, "what the hell happened!?"

Bucky shrugged, "dunno."

Steve stared at Bucky with anger in his eyes. You looked between the two of them, finally catching on. "Bucky did you -"

An explosion rumbled down the halls and into your room, exploding the walls, windows and doors.

You put your arm up and over your face, trying to protect something. You shot backwards and felt the window crash on your back.

You fell as if in slow motion. The glass falling around you, smoke and fire bellowing out the building. You couldn't see anyone else.

You fell to the floor with a thump. You closed your eyes thanks to the impact, but you felt together still. Thank you metal bones. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around.

"Bucky!? Steve!?" You shouted, coughing back the smoke.

You looked up to the building to see it collapsing under the flames. In the distance you saw something move, you ran over and saw Bucky trying to crawl up from under the rubble.

"Bucky!" You knelt in front of him, "you saved me!? Why!?"

Bucky smiled up to you as he slumped against a large piece of wall that hadn't broken into a million pieces like most the building. "I'll always save you."

"But all those people...?" You mumbled, looking back up to the building.

"Are fine." Bucky smiled at your confused face. "You think I'm that bad? Tony found them way before we even got to that room."

"But....the footage?"

"Was on a loop. We needed everyone to believe they were still in that room." Bucky filled you in. You were amazed, confused, shocked, and ..... hurt!

"Wait, why wasn't I told of this plan!?"

"Because this was the plan if you wandered off." Bucky smirked again. "Tony knew there was always the possibility you would go alone."

You leaned down against the wall with Bucky. "But how did you know they were in the room? Or I was in that room!?"

A mumble from beside you caught your attention. You turned to see Steve moving some rubble off him and pulling himself up. "Sharon's informant said they knew we were coming and had this plan set up, ready."

You sighed, annoyed at yourself for calling Sharon a whole bunch of names that you hadn't told anyone. "So Sharon helped?"

"Sharon helped." Steve smiled up to you.

You were still a little confused on it all.... "So, the plan -"

"Tony knew you'd go off. So we made a separate plan that you didn't know about." Bucky smirked, "once you had wondered off, Tony went to work on rescuing the others. That much body heat in one room meant he could find them easily. Then, we had to be the ones to cause a scene to make it believable, to run the clocks down."

"Shooting me was not part of the plan!" Steve scowled up at the two of you.

"Yeah, I was still a little annoyed at you." Bucky scratched the back of his neck, "sorry about that."

Steve chuckled to himself as he pulled himself up to his feet, "guess I deserved it."

You leaned over to help him up, placing his arm over your shoulders. "I'm glad Tony made the plan." Steve smiled at you.

"Why?" You frowned.

Steve kissed your forehead and smiled wider, "because I would have made the same call as Bucky."

Your heart skipped at those words. It shouldn't have; both boys were happy to let hundreds of innocent people die to save you. That's not good.

"And then I would have beat myself up everyday for the rest of my life for making that decision. I wouldn't have regretted it...but I would have felt guilty." Steve leaned over your shoulders and grabbed Buckys shoulder. "Take care of her mate."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now