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You sat in between Wanda and Nat watching the film, glass of wine in hand. The three of you had already gone through 2 bottles so you were feeling a little giddy.

You had decided to watch 50 shades of Grey, and had started giggling at some parts.

"I mean, who would want a guy like him?" Wanda asked.

You put your hand straight up in the air, "me please!" Your friends stared at you, shocked. "What? It seems hot!"

"Does Steve not choke you?" Nat winked and sipped her wine.

You thought for a second and shook your head, "no. No, he's more.... don't get me wrong, he's good. I think he's worried of breaking me or something."

"Well, you're a delicate little flower" Nat pouted as she teased you.

"The girl with metal bones? Seriously, Bucky could choke me with his metal hand and not break anything."

"So you've thought about Bucky choking you?" Wanda smirked over the rim of her glass.

"No!" You quickly shouted. You honestly hadn't, it was just something that you had realised one day....oh my god. Had you been thinking of Bucky like that!?

"You know he likes you though, right?" Wanda asked

"They're just friends" Nat rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"Just like you and Pietro, right?" You smiled at Nat. Her cheeks flushed bright red, trying not to look at Wanda

"Wait..." Wandas jaw fell open as she tried to look at Nat in the eyes, "you and Pietro..."

"That was suppose to be a secret, Y/N!" Nat scowled and pushed you gently into Wanda.

Wanda covered her mouth with her hand, trying to not throw up at the thought of her brother. "Oh my God!"

"It was only once! And like ages ago" Nat tried to defend herself, brushing off the incident as if it was nothing.

But it was something. You had woken at 2am and needed some food. So you walked to the kitchen and made some toast before trudging back to your room.

You took a bite of toast and opened your door when you heard another door open. You turned to see who was awake and found Nat sneaking out of Pietros room.

Your eyes went wide as Nat spotted you, toast still hanging out your mouth. Pietro blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. Nat looked around before taking a few steps away from the room.

"Not a word." She pointed to you and walked backwards to the main door, opening it and twisting herself round quickly before waltzing out.

You looked over to Pietro with a smirk, who just shook his head and smiled shyly before heading back into his room.

"Three days ago." You mumbled to Wanda, trying to hold back the laughter.

You had enough of people talking about your relationships you had to throw Nat under the bus a little bit.

"Three days!?" Wanda shouted and jumped up off the bed, putting her wine down and pacing the room.

"Bitch!" Nat pushed you again, but without Wanda there you tumbled to your side in a fit of laughter. Nat was smirking along with you, trying to be serious but also make sure you knew she wasn't actually mad at you.

Wanda just looked disgusted. "My brother, Nat! BROTHER!"

"He's not my brother." She smirked and downed the last of her wine.


You stumbled down the steps, slipping down the last one on to your ass. You laughed at yourself and took your shoes off, in your head they were the problem; the flat pumps tripped you up. Not the wine swirling around in your system.

You made it to your corridor and fell in, giggling to yourself. You tried to silently close the door, but failed miserably. It clattered into the frame with the block clicking into place.

"Shhhhh!" You pressed your finger to your lips and told the door to be quiet.

"Y/N? You OK?"

You turned round, leaning against the door and dropped your shoes. Bucky was stood at his door watching you.

You looked him up and down, studying every inch of him for possibly the first time. You furrowed your brows, concentrating hard as he refused to stay still, swirling about the place and becoming two at times.

He was wearing some grey pyjama shorts and that was it. His muscular chest on full display, his metal arm shining in the over-head lights, each scar a little more prominent then usual due to the light just catching them the right way.

He hadn't shaved for a few days so had a little stubble around his jawline. His hair shorter than when you first arrived at the compound, but still enough that he could scrape it back into a bun, and some strands framing his face.

You smiled, biting your lip and giggling to yourself; not sure what at.

"How drunk are you?" Bucky laughed.

You pushed yourself up from the door and walked towards him, "I realised that if you choked me as hard as you could, that you wouldn't break any of my bones. I'd just suffocate, I guess... or you'd crush my windpipe. Is the windpipe a bone? I dunno." You rambled.

"That's a weird thing to realise." He laughed as you stopped in front of him and threw your arms around his neck.

"You've always been so good to me, Buck." You smiled and looked up to him. His blue eyes staring into yours.

"You're my best mate. Why wouldn't I?" He smiled, his arms around your waist, gently stroking the small bit of flesh that peaked through between the hoodie and leggings. Running his fingers over your own scars that scattered your body from every needle and blade that hurt you, from all the testing you endured.

"I dunno. Just something Nat said." You let him go and walked into his room.

"What did Nat say?" Bucky turned to follow you in, brow furrowed and wondering what you girls spoke about when the guys weren't around.

You fell onto his bed and stretched out, "she's sleeping with Pietro so...."

"Nat and Pietro!? Seriously?"

"Yeah" you yawned and closed your eyes, "come get into bed." You held your hand out for him to take.

Bucky hesitated for a second. You didn't see the small smile that crept onto his lips as he looked you up and down before jumping in bed behind you, cuddling up to your back and wrapping his arm around you. You linked your fingers with his and softly sighed.

"You've always been my safe place." You mumbled, slowly falling asleep.

"Y/N? I love you." He said softly against your neck, leaning his head slightly on your shoulder so he could see your face as he said those three words.

"I love you too." You said sleepily with a small smile and a happy sigh.

Bucky sighed, closing his eyes and gently nodding his head. He kissed your shoulder before muttering under his breath, "probably not in the same way..."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now