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You hated the way you left things with Steve. That night you hardly slept, and when the light started to come through the curtains, you jumped up out of bed and moved over to your door. You stood on your tiptoes and looked out through the peep hole into the corridor.

Steve would be up soon for his morning workout and you wanted to catch him before he left, but not look too eager. More look as if you just casually bumped into him. So, you waited for his door to open.

After a few minutes you caught his door opening in the corner. You pushed yourself away from your own door, took in a deep breath and walked into the corridor.

You looked up to Steve and found.... not Steve. Well, not alone.

There in the doorway, her arms wrapped around his neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek, was none other than Sharon Fucking Carter.

You were frozen to the spot.

It felt like you had swallowed a rock and it had finally reached your stomach, crashing down and making you feel like you were going to fall through the floor. Knees like jelly with the sight of her blond hair and sweet smile.

Sharon and Steve turned and finally saw you. Sharon was shocked but bit down on her lips to hold back a smirk. The colour from Steve's face drained as he continued to stare right into your eyes.

Tears started to pierce your eyes. Not wanting to cry in front of them both, you turned on your heel and pushed open your bedroom door, letting it slam behind you. But the sound never came.

"Y/N?" Steve's voice came from the doorway.

You turned to look at him, tears finally falling, "how could you!?" You screamed at him. "Anyone! You could have fucked anyone! Literally ANYONE you wanted! Why her!? To piss me off? To hurt me!?" Your voice got louder and louder as you screamed.

"What's going on?" Sam's voice came from behind Steve.

"Why don't you ask Mr America here." You scoffed and grabbed the bag Natasha had given you a few months back off the top of the wardrobe, throwing clothes in without a care.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Steve sighed and walked next to you, "are you really leaving?"

"What the hell is going on!?" Sam asked again, "oh what's up Sharon? What are you doing - oh!" Realisation hit Sam.

"Not the compound, no." You continued to shove things in your bag, "I can't be this end a moment longer!"

You wondered around the room and bathroom grabbing everything and chucking into the bag lying on your bed. Steve carried on protesting, begging you to stop and talk. But you were done. So done.

"You had your chance to talk last night, Steve. I wanted to talk! But YOU slammed the door in my face and FUCKED HER!" You screamed at his face.

You turned to zip up the bag when a hand touched your bare shoulder. You instantly calmed down knowing the cool touch of Buckys metal hand against you. You weren't sure when he arrived, but being as his room was next door  it was only a matter of time.

Sharon sighed and folded her arms over her chest, "always with the drama, hey Y/N."

"I'll kill her." You muttered under your breath, turning quickly and lunging for Sharon.

Steve stood between the two of you, holding his arms out to stop you, Sam pushed Sharon behind him, making another barrier between the two of you, and Bucky grabbed you around the waist pulling you slightly off your feet and into his chest.

"Y/N, what is going on!?" His soft voice ringing in your ears.

Just being in his arms calmed you down. You felt your heart slow, you breathed in his familiar scent which was a bit musky by now after not long getting back to compound.

Sam and Bucky had only just got back when they reached the door to the hall and heard the raised voices.

"Like I said," you pushed yourself off Bucky and out of his hold. "Ask him." You grabbed your bag and flung it over your shoulder, "I'll be over the other end of the compound with the girls."

You pushed passed everyone and into the corridor.

"You're being ridiculous!" Steve's voice echoed down the corridor, making you stop mid step and turn back to the group.

Steve was slightly in front of the others with Bucky and Sam either side just behind, and Sharon stood further behind with that stupid smirk on her face.

"I'm being ridiculous!?" You shouted in horror and anger, "Let's ask the group: is it really ridiculous for me to be pissed seeing my ex-boyfriend hooking up with the girl he told me he had zero feelings for!?" You screamed over to them.

Bucky and Sam shuffled their feet, trying to hold back what they really wanted to say.

"And it's not like we broke up weeks ago. It was last fucking night!" Your voice got louder with each word. "Can't even wait 24 hours." You scoffed and opened the door out.

"Y/N" Buckys voice finally came through as the door slowly closed and you continued down to the girls.

"Yeah that's right, Buck! You go after her like you always fucking do!" Steve shouted, moving closer to Bucky.

"Yeah, because she's my friend!"

"So am I!"

"You fucked up! She's upset!" Bucky turned back around and opened the door for the main hall.

"You're only going after her because you wanna fuck her! And don't lie! You even told her you like her!"

"You just don't fucking get it do you Steve!?" Bucky shouted at his friend.

He couldn't believe Steve was being so stupid and immature about the whole thing. "I would never act on it! She was your girlfriend! You think I'm that much of a dick that I'd go after your girlfriend!?"

"You told her you loved her!"

"Yeah, and she shot me down!" Steve's face fell with those words.

"Did she tell you that? Or should I ask, did you let her tell you that!?" Bucky was fed up with Steve. Not only had he thought so little of him that he honestly thought Bucky would try steal you away from him, but he broke up with you!?

"She made it clear that nothing would happen between us! And I was fine with that! I didn't want to lose one of my best friends!"

"Well, you've lost this one." Steve sighed, taking Sharon around the waist and pushing passed Bucky.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now