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The group worked out and trained together for the rest of the day. Darkness had started to creep over the hills surrounding the compound.

You were currently on your back, pinned to the mat. Bucky smirked down to you, your faces inches away from each other. The two of you had been in this position before and you thought nothing of it.

But now?

You could feel every inch that Bucky was pressed against. You felt his hips against your thigh as he straddled one leg, his one knee against the side of your waist and the other barely touching between your legs. But through your tight shorts, his bare knee felt way too close. Closer than it had ever been... or had it always been that close but only now you were noticing? All you would have to do is wiggle slightly and you would rub up against him, giving you that friction your body deeply needed.

His metal hand was around your throat, the other against the mat beside your head. The metal felt cooler than usual thanks to the hot workout and training.... Or maybe it was just the heat inside you rising and making you flush a bright pink feeling Buckys breath against your cheek.

"Concede?" He smirked down at you.

All you could do was nod, no words even entered your brain at this point. Bucky jumped up and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding.

"You alright?" He held a hand out for you, which you gladly accepted, and he pulled you up. "Look rather.... Flush?"

"Tired, I guess. Bit out of it thanks to those few days on bed rest."

It was only a small lie; you were feeling tired, and you weren't up to your usual standard thanks to the sprain. But that wasn't why you felt your stomach flip, your chest and face burn red, and your breathing hitch.

"I need pizza." Pietro panted as he stopped his workout, stretching next to you.

"All that work would be a waste if you ate a pizza now." Wanda sighed at her brother, leaning on him for support while she stretched her legs.

"I don't care. Pizza makes everything better."

Everyone grabbed their water and walked out the gym, chatting amongst themselves.

"Bucky, can I just.... Just a moment. Please?" You grabbed Buckys arm, stopping him from walking out the gym.

"Sure." he nodded to the group as they left before grabbing his water bottle and walking to the bench, "what's up?"

You fiddled with your fingers, trying to work out how to bring up the morning.

"Come on, Y/N. Spit it out." Bucky chuckled taking a long sip of his water.

"I heard you this morning." You quickly blurred out, causing Bucky to choke on his water.

He sputtered a little before replying, "what er....what do you mean? Heard what?"

"Don't make me say it." You moaned, stamping your foot on the mat in a little hissy fit. You really didn't want to say the words...

"I don't know what you're on about." Bucky continued to play dumb. You knew you had to just come out with it....

"I heard you ... early in the morning ... doing yourself and I heard my name." You spoke slowly, unsure what the next word was going to be of the sentence until it fell out.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now