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The sun broke through the curtains, hitting your face as you woke. You scrunched up your nose and shielded your closed eyes from the sun light.

Your brain thumped against your skull, your throat dry, lips cracked and your ankle hurt. Recalling the amount you drank the night before, you could have been worse.

"Oh my god." You mumbled, rubbing your face and turning over in bed and throwing the cover over you completely.

You lay there for a second and took in a deep breath. The smell of pine and leather hit the back of your nose first, followed by a sweet vanilla. You frowned and sat up, the cover dropping off your head as you looked round the room.

The bathroom door opened, Bucky stepping out with a white towel around his waist, "morning drunk." He smiled, moving to his wardrobe to gather some clothes for the day.

His wet hair sticking to his forehead and cheeks, small drops of water running down his neck, over his shoulder and down his chest. You watched one droplet as it finished at his waist, soaking into the towel.

"What er.... morning." You stuttered. Bucky looked over and smirked, leaning over to the desk and passing you a cup of water. You took three big gulps, feeling a little better. "Why am I in your room?"

"I was up and heard you crash through the door. Wanted to make sure you were OK, and you just jumped into my bed." He pulled on a black tee as he spoke before grabbing some boxers, "turn around."

You rolled your eyes and lay back down, turning onto your side to look at the boring cream wall while he got dressed. "I feel like death."

"That's what you get for drinking too much."

You heard the sound of the towel dropping to the floor and movements from him as he slid on the bottom half of his clothes.

"I didn't plan on drinking that much." You groaned, your head still thumping.

The bed sinking behind you, Bucky leaned over your shoulder to look at you, "you never do." He smiled and kissed you on the tip of the nose.

"Nope. Get up." You held back the urge to vomit, sitting up and grabbing the water, "just seeing you upside down made my stomach turn."

Bucky laughed and walked round to help you up, "come on super girl." He held his hand out for you to take.

As your hand slid into his, something flashed in the back of your memories... "did you say something last night?"

"I probably called you an idiot, why?"

"I just...." you thought a little harder. You could remember lying there with Bucky behind you. He kissed your shoulder and muttered something but you couldn't make out what... "nothing. No clue."

You shook your head as Bucky pulled you up. "Thanks Buck."

You took a step, shooting pain up your leg to your knee where it rattled around before continuing up your thigh to your hip, waist, ribs and neck. You called out, falling back down onto the bed, "motherfucker! That hurt!"

Bucky knelt beside you and looked at your ankle. He gently picked it up and you both  noticed it had swollen to double the size of your other. "How the hell did you do that?"

"I don't kno- wait..." you paused before the memory came back, "I fell down the stairs. No wonder my ass hurts too."

"Come on." Bucky sighed, pulling your arm over his shoulder, his arms around your back and under your knees. He picked you up and walked you back to your own room.

Lying you on your own bed, he got the spare pillow, folding it in half and tucking it under your swollen ankle before placing the blanket over you. "I'll get Bruce to come have a look, and I'll get Steve too. I'm sure you just pulled something."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now