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Bucky gently ran his fingers over yours, listening intently as you told him about the dream last night. He stroked your hand, drawing little patterns on your palm and moving up your arm.

"And that was your last memory of me?" he asked when you finished.

"Yeah." you sighed softly, loving the feel of his body underneath you.

You both had woken up the next morning still wrapped in each others arms. Your eyes flickered open, thinking you were still dreaming for a few seconds before you remembered last night; it was one simple text and Bucky came running to you, just to make sure you were OK.

"I then remember you looking at me blankly. Like you didn't know who I was. And I just felt my whole body collapse, it just gave up." you sniffed back the tears, picking your head up to look at him and leaning on your elbow.

"I was dragged away and thrown back into my room where I just cried. I was physically sick at one point...remembering your scream. How much pain you were in. And I couldn't do anything to stop it."

Bucky reached up and cupped your face, running his thumb over your cheek. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not like you volunteered for it." you laughed lightly, trying to make the situation a little less intense.

"But from then on..." you paused to fight back the tears, "I knew they weren't lying. I knew I wouldn't see you again because I had never seen them do that to you before. They really wanted that to be the last picture I had of you."

You wrapped your fingers around his wrist, pushing your head into his hand gently. "And that's when I gave up. I had no reason to carry on then."

Buckys eyes scanned your whole face before returning to your eyes. He smiled and looked off to the side, "I always thought no one cared about me. Each time I regained a memory, they just wiped me again. And then, when I was finally free... I had no one."

He looked back to you and smiled, "And then there was you. Even in my worst state imaginable, you still believed me in."

"Always." you spoke softly.

"I don't deserve you." Bucky smiled, biting his lip. "I've done horrible things -"

You cut him off before he could continue on his self-pity party. "No. We're not going there. You've more than made up for everything the Winter Soldier did."

You stared at each other for a few moments, drinking each other in and enjoying the feel of his hand still cupping your face. You really wanted to kiss him again, but seeing as he stopped it last time you thought it was his turn. You didn't want to embarrass yourself any more.

Bucky - finally - moved his hand slightly so his fingers grazed the back of your neck. He pulled you in close and lightly kissed your lips. Your eyes slowly closed as your lips connected and you ignored everything except the kiss.

You got lost in the feeling; the butterflies in the tummy, your body temperature rising.... And then he pulled away. You let out a small moan, annoyed he broke the kiss.

Bucky smiled and looped a piece of your hair behind your ear and out of your face. "Movie tonight?"

"Of course. Here?" You asked, biting your lip.

Bucky nodded and mirrored the expression on your face.


At lunch, you made some pasta and walked into Wandas room to share the food. She was excited to have carbs, it was her go-to during That Time...

"Babe I am cramping like hell! God, I wish my powers could sort this out." Wanda moaned, lying in her bed, wrapping her arms around her waist and bringing her knees to her chest.

You shook your head at your friends dramatic actions and chuckled to yourself, stabbing the cheese coated pasta with your fork.

"Natasha is so lucky she doesn't have to deal with this!" Wanda got up and made her way to her bathroom.

"Yeah. But I bet the no biological kids is a kick in the teeth." You shouted through the slightly closed door.

"OK, point well made. But, man!" She pulls open her bathroom drawers in search of what is needed, "Oh babe, have you got any pads? I don't seem to have any." The drawer closed and she poked her head out. "I'll go shopping later and grab some more."

Your face fell as you thought about what Wanda had actually asked; you hadn't used any sanitary products since you arrived. You never thought about it as Natasha didn't need any. So it was an afterthought.

"Oh my god. You're pregnant!?" Wanda shouted out, reading your mind. It was a quick thought that crossed over, but she caught it....

"What, no! Well, OK...." you sighed. "I've not had a period since being here. In fact, I don't even remember having one..."

"That's weird. You must have." Wanda joined you on her bed, forgetting why she was in the bathroom to begin with.

"Right!?" you clicked your tongue, "I mean, I can't be pregnant anyway. Steve used a condom." you munched on some more pasta, knowing full well you were not pregnant....right?

"Well, at least he was smart about that." Wanda sighed and walked back to the bathroom, pushing the door closed a little so you could still hear her. "But they are only like 97% effective."

You sighed, dropping your fork in the bowl with a clang, "I'm not pregnant!" you shouted through the gap.

You placed your bowl on the desk next to Wandas, bringing your legs up and crossing them at the end of the bed.

You couldn't be pregnant. There was no way, right? You couldn't even remember having a period ever. Most girls remember where they were when they got their first one at least. But nothing sprang to mind. You were taken at 16, the average age for a girls first period is 12. So you must have had at least one, even if you didn't have them regularly. 

You mumbled to yourself as you heard the toilet flush, "But it does raise a question..."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now