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It all went according to plan, and now Steve and Bucky were wheeling you through corridors.

It was a tight squeeze to get you in the suitcase but Steve promised it wouldn't be for long. It had been long enough in your eyes. And your knees.

Bucky stopped pulling the case, lying it down carefully as the boys spoke to someone. You heard a door close and the zip opened.

You practically jumped out, stretching everything you could. "Oh my God, never again."

"I didn't know you were that bendy." Bucky smirked, helping you off the table the case was sat on.

"I did." Steve muttered, looking through a window, checking no one was coming.

You looked at Bucky who clenched his jaw at his oldest and best friend. OK they weren't on great terms right now, but they will be... soon... hopefully.

"Let's just focus on the task in hand, yeah?" You pulled out a gun from the inside pocket of the case and two pocket knives, placing them in their holsters but keeping hold of the gun.

You tapped your comms and heard the static come through, "you guys hear me?"

"Loud and clear Y/N." Wanda voice came from the other end.

"Like you're right next to me." Pietro added.

"OK." You sighed and cocked the gun, "let's go."

You opened the door and peaked round the corners, no one. The three of you cautiously stepped out and walked down the corridors, peering in rooms like you did in the last place. And yet again, the rooms were empty.

"I'm not being funny but, it's a little dead in here." You said through your comms.

"No, we saw people here. Someone came out one room. They couldn't have seen us coming..." Steve said, looking round at everything.

"The sunglasses and caps don't fool everyone, you know." You sighed, picking on their "disguise".

"Well you didn't have any better suggestions." Steve snapped back.

"Didn't know I needed to tell a bunch of superhero's how to hide their identity."

"We don't hide our identity, that's the point."

"OK. Let's not kill each other before we've finished this, yeah?" Bucky said, trying to defuse the situation.

You scoffed and shook your head, "I have had way too many arguments with you two down corridors. And it usually ends with me being taken."

"Well, don't wonder off." Steve added

"Well, don't be a dick."

"Guys! Please!" Bucky raised his voice a little louder then before.

A siren rang throughout the corridors, doors locking with a click behind you one by one. And a door sliding opening down a way in front of the three of you.

"Well done us." You said sarcastically. "Another plan going well thanks to us."

You sighed and stuck you gun in the holster, "let's not work together on missions any more." You smiled at the boys before striding over to the open door.

Someone came through but you were ready, punching them square in the nose and they stumbled backwards. You jumped to an exposed pipe, swinging your legs and kicking the man in the chest causing him to fall back completely and knocking a couple other people.

Finally, Steve and Bucky joined as more Guards arrived. The three of you trying to fight off the rows and rows of Guards that just kept coming

"How many are there!?" Bucky grunted as he slammed one into the wall next to you with such force it cracked the concrete.

"What's going on!?" Wanda said down your ear.

"Not now honey, busy." You smiled grabbing your pocket knife and stabbing one in the stomach, twisting before pulling it out.

"Better them than me, better them than me." You mumbled to yourself as the Guard fell to the floor and another came at you.

You grabbed Steve's shield off him and held it up as the Guard came at you with a forceful kick. But he got the shield and went flat on his back.

You knocked another out the way with the shield before throwing it back to Steve, jumping and landing on the guys face.

You took a few more steps, looking back at the boys still fighting off Guards, and realised there were no more ahead.

"I'm going on." You said down your comms to everyone before turning and running as fast as you could away from the fight.

"You're leaving the super soldiers!? Again!? Why do you always do this!?" Tony shouted down the line as you smirked.

"I'm an independent bitch." You chuckled as you turned corners and ran down 6 flights of stairs.

The comms started to crackle as Tony tried to talk back to you. "Tony? Tony!?" You stopped, catching your breath and trying to hear him. "Wanda? Bucky? Anyone?"

No one answered.

"Guess I'm on my own." You mumbled and carried on walking. The comms were completely dead, so you took it out and placed the small earbud in a pocket; it was too uncomfortable to stay if it was useless.

The walls upstairs were just like the ones you remembered; brights white and lights everywhere. But down here, it was dark and musty. Minimal lights from bulbs on thin wires, no windows. Uncovered cement bricks lined the walls, grey cement floor and open ceilings full of intertwined pipes.

A door clicked to your left, you grabbed your gun and pointed it to the door. It slowly opened but no one stepped out.

You approached it cautiously and looked in. No one was there. You took a couple steps in, gun still drawn, and looked round; a single computer on a desk facing away from you was all that was in the room.

You stepped closer to the computer and looked at the screen. Red numbers flashed at you.


"It's counting down." You mumbled to yourself. "To what?"

The door suddenly slammed shut and a beep locking it.

You looked towards the door and sighed, "shit." You looked back at the countdown.


"Guess this is why we have groups and plans." You said again to yourself.

You walked over to the door, just making sure you couldn't open it. No. No you couldn't.

"Crap. Tony's never gonna let me forget this." You huffed and stomped back over to the computer.


"What the fuck am I meant to do now!?"

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now