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Tony had a bit more luck back at the compound; he managed to find out some information about Jess before it was all wiped.

Unfortunately, just like you and Wanda, Steve and the boys had no luck. No one knew her, well, remembered her. Everyone had their memories wiped. Her parents were still alive which was something, but you were still deciding if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

If you were to find these people along Jess, would you be able to get her parents memories back? Or will the be living their lives unaware that their daughter is there? How would Jess live with that? Would she be able to? Would it be easier if her parents were killed?

No one was clear on how they were erasing people's memories of the captured; was it the same device you and Bucky had in your neck? Was it something different? Men In Black style maybe.... and how did they do it so quickly?

You were now sat in the meeting room, trying to find a connection between you and Jess. But in all honesty, you weren't paying much attention. Questions swirled through your head....

"Not the same hair colour." Steve sighed, snapping you back into the room.

"Or eye colour." Pietro added

"Not your school?" Bucky asked, turning to you swivelling in the chair. You shook your head. "Neighbourhood?"

"Nope" you sighed, popping the P. "The only thing that is similar is that I was 16 when I was taken, just like her." You sat up straight and crossed your legs on the chair. "Mine was on the way back from school, hers was to school."

"She has a younger sister, no brothers." Tony sighed and leaned back in his chair, "they can't be just taking 16 year olds."

"That group is way too big, surely?" You looked around the room at everyone with deflated looks covering their faces. "Right, I need a break tonight. Back at it in the morning." You jumped up and walked over to Bucky, putting your arms around his shoulders, "pizza and a horror film? My room?"

"I'm there" he smiled and held onto your forearms like you did to him so many times.

"What's that?" Steve asked and everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh, we said we'd watch a film tonight. Did you want to join?" Bucky asked his other best mate. The one he had known the longest. The one he should be putting before the new one. It was a constant battle in his head on who to put first.

He knew who he should put first. But some days the other one won and it killed him whenever he saw Steve again. Bucky was glad Steve didn't have Wandas powers...

"You don't like horror films, babe." You smiled, standing up but keeping your hands on Buckys shoulders, slightly leaning on him.

Wanda caught your eye and you looked over to her. She went wide eyed and slyly looked down to your hands and then a little further down Bucky. You frowned, not completely understanding what she was on about.

"I'll watch one. Wouldn't mind spending some time with you." Steve smiled up to you.

"We can watch a film tomorrow? Your choice." You weren't sure why you were being so defensive, not allowing Steve to join the two of you. "I just don't want you to not enjoy it."

"An evening with my best mate and my girl, what more would I want?" Steve smiled at the two of you.

You sighed and forced a smile out. You loved spending time with Bucky just the two of you, plus you had been having your horror movie nights every couple of days and Steve not once wanted to join. Why was now so different? Why were you arguing with him joining so much?

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now