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Steve wasn't at the meeting that morning. Sam and Bucky went over their findings at the buildings; like everything else, nothing. No one went in or came out.

"No lights came on. No movement. No activity what so ever. Zilch!" Sam sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Everyone looked and felt defeated.

You leaned back in your chair and looked at the photographs taken at various times of the day; nothing looked odd, which was odd.

"What about the buildings either side?" You frowned at one photo of a car outside the one on the car; a white van.

"Two guys went into one with a couple of suitcases. Looked like they just got back from holiday." Sam explained, rocking on his chair.

"Who owns it?" You turned the photograph around on the table side it over to Tony, tapping on the building with a van outside.

Tony tapped away on the computer and shook his head. "Classified."

You both stared at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking.

"Why would it be classified?" Tony asked, not blinking back at you.

"It would show up on the database easy if it was just a house." You didn't blink back and slowly smirked.

"So what are they hiding?" Tony gave you the same knowing smirk.

"The entrance."

Tony fell down into his chair with a sigh, placing his hands behind his head, "Son of a bitch."

"How big were these suitcases?" You smacked your hands down on the table, making everyone round jump slightly

"Pretty big. Like I said, it was as if they had just come back off holiday." Sam looked over to Bucky and frowned, trying to find someone who agreed with him; You had gone crazy.

"Big enough to folded a 5 foot 4 16 year old in?" Your smile was now so wide. You had them.

"What? I don't know! I've never folded a 16 year old before." Sam looked scared by your random questions.

But to you and Tony it all made sense; why not have an inconspicuous house as the entrance?

"We need to get into the house without making it look obvious." Tony flicked through his computer, more mumbling to himself than to anyone else.

"Everyone loves Captain America. Anyone would let him in." Clint noted.

You scoffed at the mention of Steve. Of course everyone loved him, they didn't know what he was really like....

"Unless they're hiding something ...." Bucky raised his eyebrows with Clint, jumping off his comment.

He was only mentioned slightly and your stomach was twisting with the image of Sharon and Steve. Together. In bed. Naked.

"Y/N, you can't be anywhere near that place." Tony clicked his fingers and snapped you out of your daze.

"What!?" You shouted, confused why he'd bench you. Even though you're the one that is working literally everything out.

"They'll know who you are straight away. Plus, you got kidnapped a lot last time." Tony smiled at you sympathetically.

You knew he was loving it really. He hated you going out on any missions, he thought you were a liability. A young girl who knew no better. Just like Steve did.

You scoffed at that. Steve and Tony constantly butt heads and you never understood why. Now you did; they were so alike it was scary.

"Then we'll make a better plan." Bucky shrugged, looking over to you. You smiled at his support and he winked back to you.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now