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The two of you had made it to the store to grab the snacks.

For the past few weeks, every Friday night, you, Natasha and Wanda got together to watch films and eat junk food. Sometimes you painted each others nails, wore face masks, just a normal girly night; it was a little bit of a normal life for three super humans.

"Who won Water Balance then?" Bucky asked, picking up chips and throwing them into the basket.

"Pietro. But he got lucky." You sighed, picking up some salsa.

"Hu? I honestly thought Wanda would win."

"Not me!?" You said shocked and wide mouthed at your best friend.

Bucky laughed and shook his head, "No. Not even a little."

You held your hand on your chest, "hurt. I am hurt."

"You'll be alright." Bucky continued to laugh as he wondered off down the aisle, you following close behind. "And what do you mean he got lucky?"

"Steve kicked Wandas chair."

"What?" Bucky shot his head round to look at you and stopped mid-step.

"OK, so I didn't see him actually do it." You grabbed some gummy sweets and fizzy pop, throwing them into the basket too. "But Wanda just fell! She's not that clumsy. And he just looked suspicious."

"So, you're jumping to conclusions? Like usual."

You sighed and joined the queue. You did have a history of making assumptions without any real evidence... I mean, the whole underwear in the car thing... but Steve had changed a little. Or maybe you had...

"You weren't there..." you joined the queue and stepped forward when needed.

"No, I wasn't. But Steve loves you." Bucky tried to defend his friend as best as he could.

"He's never said that word. So, don't put words in his mouth."

"He does though."

You sighed and slammed the basket down "Listen Buck, until Steve says it, don't you say it." You started throwing things out the basket in to the belt.

"Can I still say that I love you?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug

"Yeah. I guess that's OK." You fell into his hold on you, grasping his forearms as he kissed you on the top of your head.

Things with Bucky were always so simple; you hardly ever argued. And when you did, it was about stupid things like who would win in a fight, him or Big Foot.

Back at the compound, Bucky passed the bags to you, gave you a quick squeeze before disappearing into the boys sleeping quarters.

You sighed and padded along the corridor and up another set of stairs to the girls. This corridor had only four bedrooms; Maria Hill took one whenever she stayed over and then there was just the spare.

You stopped by the spare room and placed the bags down, turning the handle and stepping into the room. It was pretty similar to your room, a little bigger but the same basics.

The view was different, you could see the city lights just beyond the trees here. The window opened enough that you could crawl out on to a fire escape. You sat there for a few moments before hearing the door open behind you.

"What you doing in here?" Pietro sat next you, leaning back into the fire escape and you leaned on the window, facing each other.

"I don't know. A moment of peace?"

"Always something going on here." Pietro laughed.

"Think I should move up here? To this room I mean."

Pietro frowned at you, confused at the sudden want to move, "I thought you were happy down with us?"

Pietro had taken the other room on your corridor when he and Wanda joined the group. It was fun being with the boys, but sometimes you weren't sure if it was a little weird. They'd bring girls back and sometimes you'd bump into them at 3am, or worse in the mornings when they were a little too clingy.

"I am. Just to be near the girls, you know?"

"No" Pietro shook his head, "I won't allow you to move. I'm used to you with us, the girls can't have you."

You laughed and leaned over to Pietro, wrapping your arms around his neck and his around your waist. You stayed like that for a moment before moving back, "I'll stay, for now. But if I have to see another girl in a ridiculously short dress, bundling her panties in to her bag, I'm out."

"I'll let the lads know." Pietro pulled himself back into the room, "come on. The girls are waiting for you." He stuck his hands back out and you grabbed them, him pulling you in.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now