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Bucky pulled you in closer, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his hands on the curve of your ass.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips pressed against his as his tongue gently caressed your bottom lip, asking for entry. You parted your lips and Bucky wasted no time in tasting you.

"You're so fucking sexy." He gently moaned against your mouth, "you feel so good."

His lips left yours to travel along your jaw and down your neck. You leaned your head back, slowly closing your eyes and moaning as Bucky licked and sucked his way down to your collarbone.

Your hands gripped into his shoulders as his left your back and held one side of your neck, keeping you in place, and the other pushing you gently on the hips until your back landed on the wall.

"God, Y/N. You taste so good. So soft. So beautiful." Bucky whispered against your skin.

"Bucky..." was all you managed to get out as his hand moved under your shirt and touched your bare skin.

Bucky grabbed your hips hard and pulled you into him, "Can you tell how you make me feel?"

You pushed into him and felt his growing erection under the thick jeans, making you wonder just what he felt like inside you. How he would make you feel, make you scream.

Sex with Steve was ... nice. You felt cared for with him. But this? This felt like hunger, passion, need and want all rolled into one. The way Buckys lips brushed over your bare skin, not missing a single section with his kisses; some were wet as he licked before leaving behind a soft kiss, others were hard and fierce; biting and sucking. Probably leaving small bruises as he went, marking you as his.

Bucky kissed back up your neck to you lips, "the things you do to me, Y/N. You have no fucking idea."

You smirked into the kiss, loving how he talked to you. "I feel like I'm about to find out."

"Oh don't you worry." Bucky chuckled, moving back a little and removing his top, "you will find out everything."

You had seen him topless loads of times, but this time was different. You really studied each curve of his abs, the way those V lines disappeared into his jeans, his shoulders back and tensed, making a few veins more visible then usual.

You looked over to his flesh arm, following a vein down his bicep and forearm to his hand. You never paid attention to his hands before, but now... all you could imagine were his fingers playing with your clit, slowly entering you and making you come.

You looked back up to his eyes, pushed yourself off the wall and pulled your shirt off over your head. Bucky watched with fire in his eyes as you slowly unclasped your bra and let it fall to the ground.

You suddenly felt nervous; you had seen the girls come out of his room, and they didn't look anything like you. You threw your arms over your chest and blushed, looking away from Bucky and down to the floor.

Bucky dropped to his knees in front of you and gently took your hands, linking his fingers with yours and moving them away from your chest, "don't cover up baby, you look amazing."

He looked up into your eyes, pressing a kiss to your stomach. He stretched out his arms, slowly unlinked his fingers, running them down your arm so your hands gently glided over the top of his.

Once his hands got to your shoulders, he stroked down your chest, brushing over your breast and nipple causing a small squeak to escape your throat.

"You like when I play with them?" Bucky breathed against your stomach, leaving more small kisses and not breaking eyes contact with you. His fingers grazing back over your nipple, taking it between his thumb and forefinger pinching slightly.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now