Chapter 24

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Madam Pomfrey wasn't pleased either and lectured them on how they should have come to her first. James had to point out that there was a tiny problem of the crowd getting in the way and enabling Lockhart to beat them to it. He sat beside Harry by his bedside who gave him a worried, helpless look as he held his hand.

"Son, you'll get through this. You'll be alright," James put his arm around Harry and stroked his hair as his son leaned into his chest.

"Your father's right Harry. We're here for you," Sirius also sat beside Harry and put his arm on his shoulder.

"Madam Pomfrey will have you fixed in no time," said Remus, joining them on the bed.

Ron and Harry argued with Hermione about Lockhart since she continued to defend him. James hoped she would eventually get over her infatuation with Lockhart and see him for the phony that he was.

Madam Pomfrey returned with a bottle of Skele-Gro after Harry had changed into his pyjamas.

Harry squeezed James's hand with a painful look on his face when he swallowed the Skele-Gro. He did his best to comfort his son as Ron, Hermione, Sirius and Remus all scurried to help Harry gulp down some water.

They were all pondering how the bludger got fixed when the rest of the Gryffindor team showed up to see Harry with plenty of treats. What looked like it was going to be a small hospital party was quickly shut down by Madam Pomfrey who asked everyone to leave.

"I'm staying with my son," said James.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that ," said Madam Pomfrey.

"Why not?" He crossed his arms.

"Because we don't usually allow anyone including parents to stay overnight unless it's a severe case. As distressing as your son's situation is, he isn't in a severe state needing parental care. He's perfectly fine under my care," she said.

James pressed his lips and took a few deep breathes, his arms still remaining crossed. "But Madam Pomfrey ..."

"Dad, it's alright. I'll be be fine," said Harry reassuringly.

He knew that his son would have preferred him staying but didn't want to make a fuss or have rules bent for him.

"Alright Harry," he relented. "I'll see you tomorrow alright? Owl me or have someone do it if you need anything. I love you," he kissed Harry's forehead.

"Alright. I love you too dad," Harry hugged him.

After exchanging goodbyes, they all left Harry alone with a heavy heart.


Sirius read and reread the piece of parchment in front of him. He bit his lips and furrowed his brows, unsure if he was doing the right thing.

Dear Draco,

Do not be disheartened by the Quidditch match and do not listen to your father if he tries to make you a failure for it. It had nothing to do with your lack of skill but more of luck. You could have won just as easily. I'm in no way taking away my nephew's victory and am glad it was him who won, but I had to write as I know how it feels to have parents to who scorn any less than victory.

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