Chapter 33

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Year 3 would contain an original mystery along with the Peter subplot to set up future years.

Harry, James and Remus were at the LAX Airport waiting to be picked up by Uncle Richard (James's cousin).They had chosen to take a flight instead of travelling by magic as Harry wanted to experience flying on a plane. The flight was an enjoyable one with first class seats, and delicious food and snacks. But nevertheless, it was a really long flight and Harry was exhausted. The plane seat was really comfy but he couldn't get much sleep on it.

Sirius would be joining them at the game and would travel by Portkey. He didn't want to leave Miranda and the newborn twins for an extended period of time. Harry's own former nanny, Helen was hired as the nanny of the Black twins. The Great Britain Quidditch team would be travelling there the next day by Portkey.

The first two weeks of Harry's summer break had consisted mostly of him reading and completing his homework as he was grounded from flying, video games, computer and TV. James helped him with his homework but refused to allow him to practice magic or teach him new spells until his grounding period was over. But thankfully those days were over. He loved reading his murder mysteries and fantasies but it was boring without the rest of his hobbies. The weeks after his punishment was over were more fun. And he couldn't wait to have more fun on his trip.

Uncle Richard finally arrived in his Mercedes Benz. A man of thirty nine, he was reasonably handsome with brown hair and silver eyes. He was the son of James's paternal uncle, Uncle Charlus.

Enthusiastic greetings, inquiries and hugs were exchanged between Uncle Charlus, James, Harry and Remus.

"Harry, you've grown quiet a bit. Looking more like your dad every year," said Uncle Richard.


They arrived at Uncle Richard's mansion which was similar to their own but had more Hollywood style to it but there was no Quidditch pitch. Uncle Richard and his American wife, Aunt Cassandra had a nineteen year old son, Byron and an almost thirteen year old daughter, Anastasia. Byron had graduated from Ilvermony a year ago and was about to get married to his fiancee Rachel while Anastasia was about to begin her third year at Ilvermony.

Aunt Cassandra spent their first dinner complaining about how her son refused to accept Ophelia, the "gem" she found from an elite, respectable family with a large wedding dowry. And despite her son and husband trying to stop her, went on to say that Rachel was neither from a respectable family nor would she was able to provide any kind of dowry. She appealed to James to talk sense into her son, but Harry wondered why she thought his father would be on her side. James himself didn't marry into money or an "elite, respectable family".

James in an awkward position, could only respectfully answer that he didn't think those things mattered. After an argument between her and her son, Uncle Richard finally convinced her to drop it. Harry hadn't met Rachel, but already felt sorry for her that she would have such a mother in law to put up with for life. Aunt Cassandra surprised him with this side to her, but he realized that was because she was usually nice to him and he never had much of a chance to see that side of her.


The next day, James met the Great Britain team at their practice area where they arrived by Portkey. As the clock struck twelve that very night, Harry received his Birthday gifts and letters from Ron, Hermione and Hagrid. Ron was on vacation at Egypt with his family after his father won 700 Galleons at a lucky draw. Hermione was on vacation at France with her parents. They had spoken to Harry over the phone several times during the summer. He received a Pocket Sneakoscope from Ron and an amazing Broomstick Service Kit from Hermione. Harry was pleasantly surprised at this side to Hermione that was more than just books and a side that showed she understood him. From Hagrid, Harry received a monster book that begin attacking him the moment he opened it. James and Remus, whose rooms were the nearest to his heard the noise and rushed into his room before they managed to tackle the book and tie it shut.

"What on earth was Hagrid thinking sending Harry that book? I know he doesn't have the best intuition of danger, but I have half a mind to send him a howler on it," said James indignantly.

After they recovered, Harry was wished a Happy Birthday but had to wait till the he woke up in the morning for his gifts. His gifts included a Firebolt from James. If Harry marveled at the Nimbus 2000, the Firebolt made him explode with pleasure. They spent the rest of his Birthday going to see Jurassic Park, the summer blockbuster of 1993 at the theatre, having lunch outside and a cake cutting ceremony in the evening before they played outside with Harry's broom.

The next few days, James was mostly busy with the team. Harry occasionally followed him to watch but mostly hung out with Remus and the rest of the Potters.

The day of the game, Sirius joined them. To Harry's displeasure, Draco and his father were also there. Even worse, they were rooting for the same Great Britain team. Great Britain won and moved on to the next round.

In the middle of preparing for the game, they also prepared for Byron and Rachel's wedding. Aunt Cassandra had various disputes with the bride over the wedding preparations. But at last, the wedding went as smoothly as it could have gone.


James lay in his room confused by his thoughts. He missed Jenny and as much as he tried to convince himself otherwise, it wasn't quite in the same way as he missed Sirius. This filled him with guilt. He wasn't supposed to feel whatever it was he was feeling for anyone but his wife. Yet he was forced to accept that Lily was technically no longer his wife but his late wife. Death had done them apart and left a whole in life. He missed having a companion and all the ups and downs of being married which wasn't quite the same as the companionship of a son or best friends regardless of how much he loved those relationships. He still loved and missed Lily as a person as well, but she could no longer be that companion anymore. But does he really need that companionship just because he misses it? He lived just fine without it all this while. Hadn't he? Or had he changed?


Harry knew what was to come from the look on his father's face as his father entered his room the day before they were set to visit Disneyland.

"Harry, we just heard that Peter escaped from Azkaban." James was pale and Harry swore there were more wrinkles on his father's face.

"But how?"

"The keeper apparently forgot to place the daily charms that disabled him from transfiguring."

"So what happens now?"

"I don't know. I'll have to go over to see what can be done. I'm sorry son. I don't think we can go to Disneyland tomorrow," said James ruefully.

Harry pouted.

"I know son. But we've been to Disneyland. We can go again next year."


"We're leaving the day after tomorrow. Alright?"

"Alright", Harry resigned.

Harry hoped Peter would be caught before the next game or at least before Hogwarts. He was afraid of the bad things Peter could potentially do and a more selfish part of him was also afraid his dad would cancel his Hogsmeade trips.

=to be continued=

PS: Do you think I should go the canon route of Voldy rising again for year 4-7 or should I go with route of him failing and focusing on other mysteries in futures year (along with the horcrux hunt)? 

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