Chapter 19

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So sorry for the late update. I will try my best to update more frequently. I've decided to include year 2 with year 1. But will probably start year 3 in a separate fic. What do you guys think?

The National Quidditch Stadium was buzzing with excitement as hundreds of wizards began taking their seats at their respective boxes. Harry was glad the English Quidditch League finals were usually held during the first week of the summer holidays. It saved the trouble of him having to get permission from school to attend. Something he wasn't quite sure his dad would agree to. James being the owner of a Quidditch team afforded them the privilege of siting at the Top Box. Both father and son were joined by a large company, including Sirius, Remus, Sirius's wife, Miranda, Jenny, Ron and the Weasley twins.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, how do you do?" came the voice of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic.

"Very well, sir. How do you do?" said James.

"Very well. And how do you do, Harry," he greeted Harry cheerfully.

Harry replied with the same courtesy as his father. He had met Fudge several times before and was always treated with special care and almost fatherly affection by the minister, probably due to his fame as the Boy Who Lived.

"Mr. Black... Mrs. Black... Mr. Lupin... Ms. Parkinson." Fudge politely acknowledged the rest before looking curiously at Ron and the Weasley twins.

"These are Ron, Fred and George Weasley", said James.

"Ah, yes. Arthur Weasley's boys. Pleasure".

"Please do sit at the front row with me," Fudge said courteously to Harry and company.

To Harry's dismay, sharing the Top Box with them were the Malfoys. It was an awkward moment when Fudge who was unaware of their history tried to introduce them. It gave Harry a surge of pleasure to see the jealousy in Draco's eyes when he saw Harry and family in the front row (while his family was in the second row) or when he saw Harry receive attention and extra hospitality from Fudge. With the Malfoys, was a houseelf that he heard being addressed as Dobby. They were soon joined by Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

The finals were between the Phoenix Pioneers and the Blazing Dragons. The Pioneers were owned by James while the Dragons was Draco's favorite team. It was a splendid game and the Pionneers were leading by seventy points but alas, Drayton, the seeker of the Dragons caught the snitch. Half the crowd including the Malfoys erupted with cheers. Harry slumped back on his seat in defeat. He was used to seeing the Pioneers win. To make things worse, he turned around to see Draco Malfoy smirking at him in amusement. He turned towards James to see him look just as disappointed as he put his arms around him.


As the owner of the Pioneers, it was common courtesy for James to stay back for the celebration party after the game even if his team lost. The rest stayed with him except Remus who escorted the Weasley boys back home as Molly had only permitted them to come to the game but not the party.

Sirius exited his cubicle in the men's room to see Draco Malfoy by the sink. Despite seeing him as an arrogant little git, he couldn't help but also see his brother Regulus in him; and even a little bit of himself. Like him and Regulus, Draco was raised with the ideology of pureblood supremacy and how great his family was. Sirius was more rebellious and went against his family, but Regulus like Draco, bought into their family ideology.

As a teen, Sirius was more concerned with his own ideals and saw his brother as lost cause and too soft to break away from their family. But for a long time, he had been wondering if he did right by his brother. He had wondering with guilt as to whether he could have saved his brother by being a better big brother. And here was another young boy destined for the same fate as his brother. Perhaps if Voldemort never came back, he'd just be another regular arrogant bigot. But if Voldemort rose again like expected, the only pathway laid out for him by his family was him becoming a Death Eater. But could he save this boy if he tried? He was after all only a twelve year old boy. In some ways, the idea of doing so felt like a redemption and second chance with his brother that would alleviate his guilt.

"Draco Malfoy", Sirius had approached the boy before he could have second thoughts.

Draco narrowed his eyes. "You?"

"Yes, me. As you must already know, your cousin, once removed", said Sirius.

"My mum says you're a blood traitor and no longer part of our family", he sneered.

"I had to rebel against the pressure our family placed on me to follow a laidout path. Surely, you understand that pressure even if you yourself aren't a rebel".

For a moment, Draco furrowed his brows and pressed his lips.

"Our family lays out the best path for us. I don't understand why you would go against that", he said disdainfully. "Offer Potter my condolences that his team lost. Perhaps I might feel charitable enough to owl him a box of tissues should he need them to wipe his tears with", he added before he began walking away.

Sirius sighed as he silently drew his breath. This was going to be harder than he thought. Putting up with the annoying little shit without hexing him was just the first problem.


The rest of July passed too quickly for Harry's liking as he enjoyed his summers. He spent a week vacationing in Los Angeles, where his father's cousin lived. Disneyland was among the places he had the pleasure of visiting. The rest of his summer was spent lazing around, playing Quidditch, swimming and doing loads of fun activities with his dad, including but not limited to playing Quidditch together. James had a talent for coming up with creative ways to have fun. He even let Harry practice the spells he had learnt, but only with his supervision. Frequently joining them in their activities were Sirius and Remus. He also often exchanged owls with Ron and Hermione.

=to be continued=

A/N: Please, please review. And please remember to subribe to me/or the story if you want updates and give kudos if you like the story.

In my survey of whether James and Jenny should get married, most of you voted yes. So I'm going for a yes. I hope that's alright. I mean, it's been more than 10 years, so he probably should move on.

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