Chapter 2

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Dumbledore's eyes were wide and mouth was open after James and Sirius had recounted how they became illegal animagi to keep Remus company during the the full moon. Harry on the other hand had now fallen asleep in his father's arms.

"Well ... while I admire your friendship and intention to keep Remus company during his transformation, it was still very reckless indeed. You boys put yourselves and others in danger while you roamed Hogsmeade. Not to mention, being an unregistered animagus is illegal," Dumbledore rebuked with a calm tone.

"We're sorry, professor," said James and Sirius, bowing their heads and unwilling to look Dumbledore in the eyes.

"I understand. You boys were still at the age where recklessness and fun were more intriguing than responsibility and consequences," said Dumbledore understandably. "I will send out an alert to the ministry and inform them about Peter being an animagus. Aurors will do their best to track him down."


Peter was successfully caught within two weeks. He tried hiding as a rat with the Weasleys, but Molly Weasley tactfully trapped him and turned him in after seeing the notice on the Daily Prophet about Peter's animagus form and his markings. Peter was sentenced to a trial and was thrown into prison, not just for betraying the Potters, but for several terrible deeds that he done as a Death Eater. James, Sirius and Remus chose to avoid the trial as they did not trust themselves to face Peter out of fear of letting their anger get the better of themselves. Luckily for Prongs and Padfoot, the only charge they were faced with for being illegal animagi was to pay a heavy fine and register their animagi. This was mostly due to them being tried as juveniles as they were only fifteen at the time they became illegal animagi. The fact that James' son had just vanquished the Dark Lord also helped bring more leniency on their sentence.

James ran his hand through his hair and covered his face with a throw pillow before looking up at his best friends with a sullen face. The three Marauders were seated in the informal hall at Potter Manor.

"I don't know how I'm going to do it without her," the newly single father said dejectedly.

"You're a great father, James. You'll do just fine." Sirius sat beside him and put an arm on his shoulder.

"What if I screw up and Harry ends up thinking I'm a completely useless father", James's hazel eyes shone with apprehension.

"You won't screw up. You've always put Harry first and that's a sign of being a good father," said Remus reasonably.

"And I'll be there for you whenever you need help with Harry. I am his godfather."

"You can always count on me for help too, James", said Remus courteously.

James began twisting his wedding ring and biting his lip. "Will you both please move in? I would really appreciate it," he looked hopefully at his best friends.

Sirius and Remus exchanged looks before turning back to James.

"Of course, mate," Sirius tightened his grip on James's shoulder.

"Count me in too, mate," Remus stood up and took James's hand in his.

"Thank you," said James gratefully.

"We'll be three men and baby. Although, we're probably the most clueless people to be raising a baby," Sirius sniggered with amusement.

"We'll get the hang of it," said Remus.

I apologize that this is just a short chapter. I promise the next chapter would be a full length one. There will be flashbacks in future chapters for unanswered questions.

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