Chapter 27

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Harry and Ron visited Hermione in the Hospital Wing every evening and brought her the day's homework. They were filling her in on the non-development of the Heir of Slytherin mystery when Harry noticed a Get Well Soon card from Lockhart that Hermione slept with under her pillow. Harry was torn between amusement and annoyance at this.

They were returning from their visit to Hermione when they noticed a flood of water coming from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Upon investigation, they discovered that Moaning Myrtle had caused the flood due to her anger that someone had thrown a book at her. Harry picked it up despite Ron's aversion that it could be dangerous and found it was an old diary from fifty years ago that belonged to a T.M. Riddle. Ron remembered that name on a Special Services award he had to clean during his detention.

The diary was completely blank but Harry suspected it belonged to a muggle-born as it was printed by an agent in Vauxhaull Road, London. Ron thought it wasn't much use but Harry found himself having a certain fascination with it and decided to pocket it.


The diary was shown to Hermione once she was out of the Hospital wing in February. She too was fascinated by it like Harry and wondered if it had hidden power. Ron on the other hand still didn't see the point in keeping it. Harry was curious as to why someone would want to get rid of it or what Riddle received his Special Services for. Hermione noticed the same thing he did, that the diary was from the same year that the Chamber of Secrets was last opened. She theorized that Riddle got his Special Services for catching the Heir of Slytherin and that he wrote all about it in his diary. However, even her invisible ink couldn't reveal anything written on it. For now, they were in a dead end.

Harry asked his dad and uncles in the owls he sent them but they were just as clueless as to who T.M. Riddle was. Sirius and Remus shared Ron's sentiment that it was just an old diary that wasn't worth anything but James suspected the same thing that Harry and Hermione did. However, instead of being eager and enthusiastic, James was apprehensive of Harry keeping something that could be dangerous. His father would blindly walk into danger if it was his own self in danger but would be extra cautious of any potential danger towards Harry.


The next day, Harry and Hermione headed to the Trophy Room with an unenthusiastic Ron to have a look at Riddle's award, but the award could neither confirm nor deny Hermione's theory as it did not specify what the award was for. However, they did find Riddle's name on an old Medal for Magical Merit and a list of Head Boys.

"Head Boy's aren't all prudes. My dad was Head Boy and is much closer in character to the twins than Percy," said Harry when Ron unflatteringly compared Riddle to Percy.

"I can't imagine Fred or George as Head Boy. If your father was like them, I wonder how he was selected as Head Boy," said Hermione. "Not that your father wasn't qualified. I'm just curious based on what we know of his school days," she quickly added at Harry's look.

"Uncle Sirius says my dad grew up and bit and toned down in sixth year," Harry shrugged.


As the winter came to an end, the Manadrakes were almost ready to revive the petrified victims. Attacks seemed to have seized but Ernie MacMillan still believed Harry was the Heir of Slytherin while Lockhart credited himself with stopping the attacks. Harry got his hopes up that the Heir of Slytherin had lost their nerve and the monster had gone in hibernation that he was able to be in fully cheery mood on Valentine's Day.

Dear dad,

I hope you're doing well. Happy Valentine's Day and thank you for the extra special care package. Valentine's Day began well except for Lockhart's over the top decorations. I could gag.

I got a singing Valentine from Ginny but I don't know how to respond. It was embarrassing, not because she sent me one, but because it was sung to me in public. Worst of all, Malfoy was part of the crowd and didn't lost the opportunity to make it worse. He took one of my books and refused to give it back even when Percy stepped in as Perfect. I lost my temper and took it back from him with a disarming charm. But Percy said he had no choice but to report me for using magic in the corridors, so I'm likely one step closer to giving the Weasley twins competition for most detentions and that's saying something given that they've likely dethroned you and Uncle Sirius.

But coming back to Ginny, what do I do about Ginny? I've never been sent a Valentine before. Do I talk to her about it? I'm not even sure how I feel about her.

With lots of love,



Dear Harry,

I'm doing well. I'll be surprised when Lockhart isn't over the top in something.

I always thought there should be exceptions to the rule with the "No magic in corridors" rule. Punishing self-defense with that rule is injustice. I'm proud of you for way you handled that. At your age, I would likely not have handled it with as much decency.

You're funny son, but no way the Weasley twins have dethroned me and your Uncle Sirius. Especially not in their fourth year. Right?

As for Ginny, I understand your embarrassment. But I also sympathize with Ginny. What do you feel about her son? Normally I'd advise to ask her out if you fancy her and turn her down gently if you don't. But since you're both only eleven and twelve, I think you're both too young to be going out. Hence, I think you should ignore it and treat her as you normally do. She's probably embarrassed, so bringing it up would only make that worse for both of you. But if you really like her and want her to be your girlfriend, I'm alright with you asking her out, so as long as you keep things at hand-holding for now. Otherwise, you can revisit how you feel when you're a bit older.

With lots of love,


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