Chapter 13

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On the first Friday of December, Harry had been given permission to go home for the weekend to attend Sirius' wedding. He met his father at Professor McGonagall's office after his classes for the day were over.

"So, have you been waking up and getting to your morning classes on time," James teased as father and son were heading down the stairs of the castle. He was carrying Harry's trunk which had been charmed to be light on one hand while his other hand was around Harry's shoulder.

"I never had a problem waking up," Harry protested.

James narrowed his eyes.

"Well, you put me in a school that was so far away that I had to wake up at six-thirty in the morning to make it on time," said Harry.

"I'm sorry about that son, but there was no choice. I couldn't put you in a muggle school nearby as the risk of breaching the statute of secrecy was higher," said James.

"We could have moved to a muggle house near the school," Harry pointed out.

"And give up our family home and heritage? Our ancestor, Linfred the Potterer was awarded ..." James began but cut off by Harry.

"A large land by the Ministry for his invention of skele-gro, built a small house there and for generations our ancestors worked hard to renovate the house to the mansion it is now, most notably Grandpa Harry and Grandpa Fleamont," Harry drawled. He had heard James tell this story at least a few times before and his father could get in a roll when he began talking about his family history.

"Oh, alright," said a bemused James as he ruffled a grinning Harry's hair.


Harry was greeted warmly by both his uncles when he entered Potter Manor. Sirius and Remus had lived with James and Harry for a few years after Lily died but once they were settled in their careers, they bought their own posh apartments at Luxury Ville, the area of apartment buildings in front of Potter Manor. Both Marauders were almost daily visitors at Potter Manor.

Just then, Harry heard Miranda's voice yelling at someone from a distance. It came from the living room and he saw her look livid as she yelled at a man and woman who were wide-eyed with fear.

"Bridezilla in full action", Sirius explained at Harry's questioning look. 

"Come on Sirius, be fair to be Miranda. She's just stressed out with the wedding preparations", James reasoned.

"And having things go wrong the day before the wedding would be extra stressful", Remus joined.

"James, didn't you call Lily, Bridezilla too when she kept losing her temper over wedding preparation?" asked Sirius.

James looked away. "Well ... to be fair, you called Lily that first and I just agreed with you," James stammered.

"Emphasis on you agreed with me".

"Emphasis on you said it first".

"Oh, knock it off both you," said Remus.

"Harry, how nice to see you," said Helen who had come from the kitchen.

"Nice to see you too, Helen", said Harry as she gave him a fleeting hug.

Helen was his caregiver. She was a tall and thin woman in her late fifties who wore her greying black hair in a tight bun. Befitting her character, Helen had a stern look about her face but her brown eyes were kind. James hired her because she reminded him a lot of his favorite professor, McGonagall.

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