Chapter 37

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During their stay at The Leaky Cauldron, Harry filled Ron and Hermione in about their history with Peter and how the adults thought Peter would be coming after him. They listened with apprehension while reassuring him and themselves that Peter would be caught and that they would be safe at Hogwarts till then. Harry also told them about his agreement with his dad about Hogsmeade.

September first arrived, fortunately or unfortunately. Harry was dressed up, packed and ready to go when James entered their room at The Leaky Cauldron.

"Ready son?"

"Yeah" Harry nodded.

James then took out a velvet box from his pocket that Harry knew contained their ancestral bracelet or bangle bracelet. He opened it to reveal the magnificent 916 karat gold piece of jewelry with hints of diamonds and white gold through out it's design. The bracelet had a circular shaped center piece with a lion motif holding together it's circle. The center piece was made of mostly gold but with hints of diamonds that would show beautifully at the top of it's wearer's wrist.

James fastened the bracelet around Harry's left wrist. A part of Harry melted at the thought of his father passing on an essentially prized family heirloom to him this young.

"Dad, I appreciate it but isn't it too soon to pass it on to me?" he asked. "And I'm not sure if I deserve it." He said the last part softly as he looked down.

James put his palm on his shoulder. "Son. I don't know why you think you don't deserve it but I can assure you that you are not any less worthy of this. Also, nothing you've done is worse than the worst things I've done. Do you hear me?"

Harry nodded. "But isn't it too soon though? I feel bad if you don't get enough time with it."

"Nah, don't be. I've had twenty years with it, which is plenty. My dad gave it to me when I was your age, so it just seems like the right time to pass it on. Besides, it's kind of our family's good luck charm, so you should have it now that you're a teenager. I could always borrow it from you if I ever feel like wearing it."

Harry wrapped his arms around his father. "Thanks dad".

"You're welcome" His father hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

Ron then came barging in, complaining about Percy. Tea had dripped on his photo of Penelope Clearwater (Percy's girlfriend) and "Photo Penelope" was now hiding her blotched face. Percy accused Ron of doing it but Ron claimed to be innocent. Fred and George didn't make things better when they interrupted by congratulating Ron.

They then went down to breakfast together.


Two seven-seater cars arrived from the Ministry to pick the Potters, Weasleys and Hermione. Hermione's parents had gone home due to unavoidable work commitments. Harry was marched to one of the cars by his father (Both cars were driven by furtive looking wizards dressed in green velvet robes) where he got into the back with Ron, Hermione and Percy (to Ron's disgust) while James sat at the front. The rest of the Weasleys followed them in the other car.

When they arrived at King's Cross, they took turns entering the barrier to Platform nine and three quarters. Molly and Ginny. Arthur and Percy. The Weasley twins. Ron and Hermione. And finally, Harry and James.

James took Harry aside before they boarded the train. "Harry, promise me, you'll be extra careful," he pleased anxiously.

"Dad, don't worry. I will. Besides, isn't the school protected by dementors waiting to catch Peter if he shows up?"

"Yeah, but it would keep me more at peace to know that you'll still be careful and not be completely dependent on the dementors. As I've told you, they're the worst creatures to have around and will suck out all the happiness from those around them." James's tone and eyes darkened as he said this.

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