Chapter 31

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In the next few weeks, there was no opportunity for Harry and Ron to sneak out and speak to Moaning Myrtle. They were still being escorted from class to class and back to their Common Room right after classes were over. As if things couldn't get any worse, McGonagall announced that their exams would go on as usual on the first week of June. Harry had barely paid any attention to his lessons as he was a bit preoccupied. When he expressed his concern to his father, James told him not to worry about it and just do the best that he can.

Three days before their exams, McGonagall announced that the mandrakes were almost ready and that those who were petrified would be revived the next day. Harry was greatly rejoiced by this news and should probably have relaxed since the petrified students would wake up to reveal their attacker. However, sense was never his strongest suit. Harry couldn't resist the opportunity to sneak out and speak to Moaning Myrtle when Lockhart expressed exasperation of still needing to escort them when the danger was over. Harry latched on to this and bartered Lockhart up into leaving their class on their own.

As Harry and Ron stole away from their class and were on their way to the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, they were caught by McGonagall. Harry quickly came up with a lie that they were going to see Hermione. This did the trick as McGonagall got emotional and allowed them to see Hermione.

Harry and Ron stopped by the hospital room to see Hermione in order to maintain their cover. When Harry held Hermione's hand and told her everything would be alright by tomorrow, he noticed a piece of paper clutched in her tightly gripped hand. After much struggle, he managed to free the paper from Hermione's hand. The piece of paper contained information on Basilisks, a large type of snake that apparently could kill you if you looked into it's eyes but the crow of the rooster was fatal to it.

"This is it Ron. No wonder I was the only one who hear it as I speak parseltongue. And no wonder all the roosters were killed."

"But how come no one he died?"

"Because no one looked at it directly. Justin saw it through Sir Nicholas. Sir Nicholas couldn't die again. Hermione and Penelope saw it through mirrors which Hermione must have warned to look into. And Mrs. Norris .... Mrs. Norris must have seen it through the water."

"And how could something so large get around without anyone seeing it?"

Harry pointed to Hermione's scrawl on the paper "Pipes".

Harry and Ron rushed to the staffroom to inform McGonagall of their discoveries, but they quickly hid in the closet when they heard the staff come in while talking about a student being taken. Even in the dark, Harry could feel Ron's fear and grief when they heard the staff say Ginny was taken. Apparently the Heir of Slytherin had taken her and left a note on the wall saying that her remains would remain in the chamber forever. The students were to be sent back the very next day. Lockhart who was late to the scene had the rest of the staff sarcastically leave it to him to handle the crisis and save Ginny.

More than an hour later, Harry and Ron were back in their common room. Harry had already sent an owl to his father who wrote back with concern, telling him to stay safe in his common room and that he would pick him up at King's Cross tomorrow. But he and Ron could no longer sit there doing nothing, especially when Ginny's life was in danger and the staff didn't have the information to save her. They sneaked out and fortunately were not questioned too much due to sympathy for the Weasleys and Percy not noticing them.


Dumbledore almost faltered at the glares of James Potter, Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley who were seated in front of his desk. Perhaps he couldn't blame them for their anger. First Ginny was taken and few hours later, another Weasley child, Ron and Harry went missing. Dumbledore had been brought back shortly after the ministry received news of Ginny.

The three parents glared even harder at McGonagall and Snape who had just come in. Dumbledore supposed they would be angrier at McGonagall and Snape who were actually present at Hogwarts when their children went missing.

"What irresponsibility is this? Three children missing, including two of my babies." Molly's arms were crossed but tears were streaming down her cheeks and her voice was shaky and tearful.

"We're terribly sorry Mrs. Weasley. We acknowledge that we should have been more cautious. But if I must say, we had very strict rules about the students leaving their Common Rooms and escorted them whenever they needed to be out of their Common Rooms for classes or meals. They could only have been taken or missing if they had broken those rules and wandered off without an escort," said McGonagall.

"Precisely." Snape agreed. "Potter, much like his father has a habit of strutting around when he's not supposed to."

James stood from his chair with such force that the chair flew a few feet behind him. A petty, heated argument ensued between the former arch-enemies that ended with them both drawing their wands at each other.

"ENOUGH" shouted both Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"If you both want to be treated like adults, stop acting like teenagers." McGonagall rebuked them.

"Why aren't the teachers back yet? Are we just suppose to sit here and do nothing while waiting for them?" asked James indignantly once they had gotten him to sit back down.

"The staff will be back soon I'm sure. However, I must be frank that looking for them is likely futile as even if we knew where the Chamber of Secrets was, we would likely need to know Parseltongue to enter it. But Fawkes has just left, I bet he has gone to assist Harry."

The staff entered one by one before James could respond. They each said the same thing about their lack of success except Professor Trelawney who said she thinks she saw the sink area in the forbidden girl's bathroom open but she couldn't take any chances going down there all by herself especially when no one else knew where they were.

"I'm going down there." James determinedly stood up from his seat with both Arthur and Molly following suit. "If they're not there, I'll search the whole castle if I have to."


They all turned around to see Harry at the doorway with Ron, Ginny and Lockhart behind him. He was covered in blood and his hair looked messier than usual.

A/N: Before I get to 3rd year, I would love your thoughts on whether Harry's main love interest should be Hermione, Ginny or an OC? Will you be okay if I went with Hermione? I mean after all, I presume Harry won't be exactly the same with a different upbringing.

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