Chapter 4

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James and Harry exited Madam Malkins to see Lucius and Draco walking out of Flourish and Blotts and heading off in the other direction. At Flourish and Blotts, Harry was was intrigued to check out the various types of spellbooks. James had to drag him away from Counter-Curses (Bewitch your Friends and Befuddle your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly Legs, Tongue-Tying and much, much more), saying that it was dangerous and he needed a lot more experience before attempting those spells.

Finally it was time to get what Harry was most excited for. His first wand. His father and him headed to Olivanders after they had gotten everything on his school list, including his books, cauldron and potion ingredients. They arrived just in time as Sirius and Remus showed up outside Olivander's.

When they entered Olivander's, an old man Harry assumed to be Garrick Olivander arrived at the counter. Harry found his silver eyes to be a little creepy.

"James Potter. Pleasure to see you again ... It seems like only yesterday that you were in here buying your first wand. Eleven inches, mahogany and phoenix feather, wasn't it?" said Olivander.

"Yes it was, sir," said James.

"Good wand. Pilable and excellent for transfiguration," Olivander added

He noticed Sirius and Remus beside James and stated their wand components just like he did with James.

"Harry Potter. I anticipated meeting you," said Olivander.

Mr. Olivander touched his lightning scar and said that he sold the very powerful thirteen and a half inches wand made of yew that gave him the scar. Even if there was remorse in his words, Harry couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

He measured Harry's arm and gave him various wands to wave but none seemed to have the desired effect. After saying something about Harry being a tricky costumer, he brought a wand that he said was an unusual combination. It was eleven inches and made of holly and phoenix feather. Olivander claimed the wand to be nice and supple. Harry felt a warmth in his fingers and a stream of red and gold sparks came out of his wand when he waved it. He could tell the Marauders were elated and relieved beside him.

"Eleven inches and phoenix feather just like yours," Remus said to James.

Olivander was excited too but his excitement didn't last long as his face turned serious again.

"Curious ... curious indeed," they heard him mutter.

"Sorry, but what's curious sir?" asked Harry.

"A wand chooses it's wizard, Mr. Potter. It's curious indeed that you were chosen by this particular wand," said Olivander. "The phoenix feather in this wand came from a phoenix that gave only two feathers. The other feather resides in the wand that gave you your scar."

Harry felt an uncomfortable lurch in his stomach as the Marauders exchanged apprehensive looks. "What exactly does that mean?"

"It means you and You-Know-Who have twin core wands," said Olivander.

Harry wasn't used to hearing Voldemort being referred to as You-Know-Who. He was raised by James, Sirius and Remus who were all bold and defiant enough to pronounce Voldemort's name. He knew that the wizarding world mostly referred to Voldemort as You-Know-Who out of fear, but he didn't see a reason to fear pronouncing a name.

"Is that a bad thing?" asked Harry apprehensively.

"That depends entirely on the situation, Mr. Potter. You both can't do any actual harm to each other with your wands. This may or may not work in your favor," Olivander said matter-of-factly.

They exited the shop after James paid seven galleons for his wand.


Harry and the Marauders headed to the Platinum Hotel, a luxurious hotel where Sirius' wedding reception was to be held in December. They were to have lunch there with Sirius' fiancée, Miranda. As they headed into the hotel's restaurant, they saw a family of three blondes heading out. The father and son resembled each other as much as James and Harry did.



Both cousins greeted each other with disdain. Harry almost forgot that Draco Malfoy's mother was Sirius's cousin.

"Heard your wedding's the social event of the year," Naricssa sneered.

"I would have sent you an invitation, except you've blatantly told me that you didn't want anything to do with anyone that was burnt off our family tree," said Sirius sarcastically.

"Are she and her husband invited?" asked Narcissa in reference to her sister, Andromeda and brother in law, Ted Tonks. She said the word husband with added disdain as she had nothing but contempt for her muggle-born brother in law.

"Of course," said Sirius.

Narcissa crinkled her nose. "If those are type of people attending, my family and I wouldn't show up even if you sent us ten invitations."

Sirius controlled himself from saying that she wouldn't be receiving even half an invitation.

"There, there Narcissa. It's not for us to judge who your cousin invites to his wedding," said Lucius.

The Marauders knew Lucius was just attempting to be polite with an ulterior motive of liaising himself with the family of the Boy-Who-Lived.

"Well, at least you're marrying a pureblood. Lucius, Draco, let's go." Narcissa lifted up her chin in the air as she walked away with her husband and son.

They entered the restaurant to be enthusiastically greeted by Miranda who gave the four of them a kiss on the cheeks each. Harry noticed that the gorgeous brunette in the her late twenties wore a dark blue dress that complemented her eyes.

"Happy Birthday Harry! I arranged for a special Birthday cake for your party later"

"Thanks Miranda," said Harry gratefully.

They had lunch which consisted of the special dishes that Miranda wanted to sample for her wedding.

=to be continued=

Please, please review! So that I know if I should change anything.

I know that James' wandcore was never revealed, but it's phoenix feather like his son's in my headcanon. It seems fitting to me considering they have the same patronus and they are only two known characters that have 11 inch wands.

In the book, Draco says his father was next door buying books while his mother was looking at wands. That's why the bookstore is next to Madam Malkins and I saw it fitting that Draco would have walked next door to meet Lucius and they were leaving as Harry and James entered.

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