Chapter 30

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I promise that this is my last try of James/Jenny. Depending on the response, I will or won't pursue their relationship anymore.

Ever since Lily's death, James wasn't a fan of weddings. It reminded him too much of his inherent loneliness. Not that he needed company in the form of a romantic partner. He had plenty of company in the form of his son and friends. Not quiet the same but he was perfectly alright, he would tell himself. But despite his apprehension of weddings, he had found himself once again at a wedding reception out of courtesy to the Mullens who were good family friends. As he watched Sirius, Miranda and her seven-month big baby bump on the dance floor, his thoughts were transported back to a certain time in a 1980 when he and Lily were happy expectant parents.

James's gaze shifted to Jenny who was dancing with a handsome man about their age and laughing at something he said. He felt his lips tighten and knots form in stomach before his thoughts were interrupted by Remus who had returned from the men's room.

"What?" he asked when Remus looked at him with a enigmatic smile and raised eyebrows.

"Nothing". Remus got busy stirring his coffee before adding "The song's almost over. It would be a cue to a certain gentleman to cut in and dance with the lady he has his eye on".

He loved Remus, but that best friends of his was losing it. "I do not have my eye on any lady," he said incredulously.

"Oh. Then I must have imagined you staring longingly at a certain blonde and handsome gentleman".

"Yes, it was all in your head".

"Umm hmm" Remus wouldn't wipe the annoying smirk off his mouth.

"Alright fine. I was looking. But only because looking at 'any' couple especially at a wedding reminds of my days with Lily," he admitted.

"And what you miss".

"No" He asserted. "I'm alright the way the I am. I just had a bit of nostalgia from the past. That's all".

"What's going on?" came Sirius's voice.

James looked imploringly at Remus.

"Remus, want to dance?" came the voice of an twenty year old with pink hair. It was Sirius's cousin, Dora.

"Umm... I ..." Remus begin blushing and laughing uncomfortably.

Normally James would more sympathetic, but if Remus was on his case, so would he. "What Remus is trying to say Dora, is that he would love to dance with you. Right Remy?"

Remus glared at him. "Umm yes". He sheepishly followed her to the dance floor. "Jenny, James over there could really use a dance" he said as he passed her on his way.

It was James's turn to glare a Remus's amused face. Whoever thought kind Remus wasn't capable of revenge was wrong.

"Come on James. You haven't danced all evening," said Jenny.

"Uh... alright".

"Really sad about Dumbledore and Hagrid". Jenny broke the ice as they were dancing.

"Yeah. I'm afraid the attacks would only increase."

"Maybe the replacement might see something Dumbledore didn't and find the culprit," she suggested.

James appreciated the optimism but couldn't share the sentiment. "I'm afraid I don't have much hope for that."

"Do you think Hagrid had anything to do with the attacks?"

"Absolutely not. I know Hagrid. It must have been a misunderstanding. Dumbledore would never have kept him at Hogwarts if he was guilty."

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