Chapter 26

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Harry was treated to his favorite beef caserole, Chocolate Cake and other wonderful dishes when he came home for Christmas break with the Weasley children. After being delightfully filled, he continued reading his Lord of The Rings copy on his bed while waiting for Ron who was in the shower. James loved muggle literature, especially classics like Lord of the Rings and had introduced him to a few gems including the Lord of The Rings/Hobbit special edition boxset James got him two Christmases ago.

Both Harry and James had a similar taste for mystery, adventure and fantasy fiction. Lily on the other hand loved romance and Jane Austen and his father still kept her copies of Jane Austen's novels safe in their library. Perhaps one day Harry might give them a read even if romance stories weren't his cup of tea as simply holding the same copies that were read by his mother made him feel like a part of her was with him. Besides, his dad said Jane Austen books were more social commentary rather than romance.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" he answered as James entered.

"Everything alright son?" his father asked he took a seat by Harry's bed.

"Yeah dad. Thanks for letting Ron and his siblings stay here for Christmas break."

"No problem. It's actually a pleasure to have them. But I was asking about school," James lowered his glasses.

"Aside from having to put up with Snape during Potions and boredom during History, classes are great, dad."

"And the attacks at school? Part of me feels like maybe I shouldn't send you back to Hogwarts until Dumbledore finds out who's behind the attacks."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me," Harry said quickly. "If it helps, the attacker is only targeting muggle-borns."

"I know. But I can't help but worry. You're keeping yourself safe aren't you? I understand that it might be tempting to try t o figure everything out, but I don't want putting yourself in danger for it."

Harry gulped as an uncomfortable knot formed in his stomach.

"Of course, dad. I am keeping myself safe."

"Okay. I trust you. And don't worry about it. I'm sure Dumbledore would figure it out soon enough." James patted his shoulder.

Harry nodded uncertainly. He wanted to believe his father, but Dumbledore's track record hasn't been good. If it wasn't for Harry, they'd never had figured out it was Quirell last year. Not to mention, Dumbledore didn't exactly figure out Peter Pettigrew was the spy, which might have saved his mother's life.

"You know you can come to me with anything right? I'm always here for you," his father interrupted his thoughts.

"I know. You're the best father anyone could possibly ask for, dad," Harry wrapped his arms around his father who returned his hug.

"I do my best," James stroked his hair.

"Alright," said James as he let Harry go. "I won't keep you up any longer since we have an early day tomorrow. Goodnight son," he kissed Harry's forehead.

"Goodnight dad," said Harry.

The uncomfortable lurch in Harry's stomach didn't cease even after James left. He felt guilty for keeping his investigation from his father, but as much as he hated keeping anything from James, he didn't want to worry his father. And he was also afraid his father would stop him from figuring out who the culprit was, which could result in more people being harmed.


James stood at the stairs of Potter Manor and tapped his foot impatiently as he looked his watch.

"Boys!" he hollered. "We're going to be late for church."

Sirius, Miranda and Remus were in the hall waiting for them. So far, only Percy and Ginny were dressed up and ready to go. The other boys including his son were dallying.

"The twins and Ron don't know the meaning of being prompt. I can almost say for certain that Harry's just waiting on Ron," said Percy.

"I'm not too sure. My boy's not the quickest when it comes to getting ready either," he said. "Harry, is everything alright. Do you need me to come up there?"

"No. It's alright We're coming," Harry hollered back.

Two minutes later, his son and the Weasley boys were finally downstairs, ready to go.


After church, Harry sat by the fireplace at Potter Manor hall with his father, the Weasley children, Sirius, Remus and Miranda, having hot chocolate.

"We're having twins," Miranda announced, cuddled under Sirius's arms as they smiled radiantly at each other.

Fred and George let out a loud cheer to this as they burst the firecrackers they had in their pockets.

"Good luck with that," Percy said to Sirius and Miranda as he shook his head disapprovingly at the twins.

"So when are the babies coming?" asked Harry.

"They're due July 3rd," said Miranda.

Having hot chocolate around the fireplace after church was their usual Christmas Eve midnight tradition and it had a certain charm of making Harry feel blissful and unaware of his troubles as they sat around the fireplace with everyone in more cheerful spirits than usual.


On Christmas morning, Harry and the Weasley children were greeted with plenty of wonderful Christmas presents from James, Sirius and Miranda, Remus and Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. There was merely a small Christmas dinner with just Remus and the Weasley children this year as Sirius and Miranda were having Christmas dinner with Miranda's family. However, they did come over for lunch.

New Year's was a great celebration as they heralded 1993 with a big party at Sirius and Miranda's house, which was simultaneously their house warming party. Sirius and Miranda were moving into a mansion a few doors away from the Potters, a decision made due to the two new upcoming additions into their family. The had fortunately found a place that looked splendid and didn't need too much renovation. They only renovation left was setting up the bedrooms for the twins.

During Christmas break, Harry's father and uncles had given him and the Weasley boys magic lessons especially in DADA and it was nice being thought self-defense by competent teachers instead of Lockhart. Snape may know his stuff, but Harry couldn't stand being in the same room as him for more than two minutes to even remotely want duelling lessons from him. Ginny on the other hand mostly kept to herself in the library, even more than Percy did as Percy at least occasionally joined in the magic lessons and a game or two.

Harry had almost forgotten about the Chamber of Secrets and the problem at his school. He was usually a little sad to go back to Hogwarts, leaving his dad, but this time, he outright dreaded going back. A part of him wanted to just take his dad's offer to be homeschooled until Dumbledore got to the bottom the who was behind the attacks. Not seeing his friends was one thing, but he couldn't bring himself to just stay at home and relax when students were being attacked at school, especially when one of his best friends was a muggle-born. And so back at Hogwarts he was when Christmas break was over.

=to be continued=

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