Chapter 5

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Harry paced up and down the Potter Manor hall before turning to face the Marauders.

"I don't know what to think of Draco Malfoy. On one hand he seems alright and on the other hand he ... he disdains muggle-borns and seems like an arrogant git," he said in confusion. "His dad was a Death Eater, does that mean Draco is ... bad and I should keep away from him?"

"How did you know Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater?" asked James incredulously.

Harry grimaced sheepishly. "I might have overheard you, Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus mention it when Professor Dumbledore was over."

"Overheard or eavesdropped?" the Marauders asked together, narrowing their eyes at him.

Harry looked down, unwilling to meet any of them in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Harry apologized.

"Harry, Draco is not bad. He's an eleven year kid. It won't be fair to judge him based on who his father is," said James.

"But he has the same prejudice that Death Eaters have," said Harry.

"Of course he would," Sirius shook his head. "His parents, including my dear cousin raised him with those beliefs. Very few children your age actually question the beliefs of their parents."

"Harry, Draco doesn't necessarily have to turn out like his father. But if he only mixes with people with the same beliefs, it would only serve to strengthen his beliefs and make him like his father. If he mixes with people that have opposing views, it might broaden his perspective and actually make him question his beliefs," Remus reasoned.

"So I should be friends with him?" asked Harry, confused.

"Everyone deserves a fair chance, so it certainly won't hurt to give Draco one, as long as he doesn't cross too many lines and you remain firm on your principals. Even if you're not friends, there's no need to be enemies either. You can always be civil," said James.

"I guess it won't hurt to give him a chance," Harry shrugged.


"Are you sure about Harry being friendly with Lucius's kid?" Sirius asked James after Harry had left the room.

"I'm not saying they should necessarily be friendly but I don't want a repeat of our animosity with Snape in Harry and Draco's case. Now Snape's about to be Harry's professor and Harry's probably going to face the consequences of my past with Snape," said James ruefully.

Remus narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together. "You don't think Snape would take out his hatred against us out on Harry. I mean, after all these years."

"I wouldn't put it past him," Sirius twisted his lips. "He's always been so bitter and pathetic."

"I hope he doesn't, but either way, I don't want Harry repeating my mistakes. I'm not proud at all of how I handled my hate for Snape regardless of his faults. I know Harry wouldn't go nearly as far as I did but it doesn't lead to anything good," said James.

"I agree that we were arrogant berks in how we treated him and I'm not proud of it either. Our whole animosity was pretty pathetic," Sirius agreed.

"Yes it was," Remus shook his head. "James and you relentlessly bullied Snape. Snape in turn constantly followed us and tried to get us into trouble which made you both even more vindictive towards him, leading to the werewolf prank and both of you attacking him worse than usual after our OWLS."

James and Sirius bowed their heads and looked down in shame.

Even after James deflated his head and stopped hexing people for fun, your fights continued because by then Snape had started cursing James at every opportunity," Remus continued.

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