Chapter 12

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James sat across from Dumbledore, glaring at him. Seated on either side of him were Sirius and Remus who appeared to be giving him competition for glaring at their former Headmaster. James had gone into Dumbledore's office to vent out his anger, but he had too much respect for the professor for a full blowout. He would probably have trashed Dumbledore's office if anything actually happened to Harry, but the fact his son was alright made him more capable of a calmer and more rational confrontation.

"Now boys, I understand that Severus can be petty and immature but he genuinely switched sides and is working on our side to atone for his mistakes," Dumbledore tried to appeal.

"His treatment of his students doesn't sound like someone who's atoning for his mistakes," said Sirius.

"And there's no excuse for him taking out his anger against me on my son," said James indignantly.

"I understand. But like I said, Severus is immature and hasn't quite licked his wounds from his past. All of us are susceptible to mistakes. Didn't you and Sirius make your share of mistakes in school, including your treatment of Severus which is part of the reason for his behavior towards Harry? I'm afraid some wounds run too deep for healing," said Dumbledore.

James looked down in shame and saw Sirius do the same from the corner of his eyes. He knew he was partly at fault for Snape's treatment of Harry and he wasn't proud of many things he did in school, including bullying Snape. However, it didn't change his feelings about Snape. He may have changed his opinion on his actions towards Snape, but he had no reason to change his opinion on Snape as a person because he had never seen Snape in a good light. Regardless of his guilt, he couldn't accept that Snape held no responsibility for his treatment of Harry or his other students like Neville and Hermione. Had Snape really reformed? Why was he bullying his students and Harry if he did? All these thoughts were confusing James.

"Professor, we aren't proud of being arrogant berks in school, but the difference is that we were teenagers and have grown out of such behavior," said Sirius. "And it's not like Snape was any close to a saint even back then. He was hanging out with aspiring Death Eaters and up to his nose with the Dark Arts,"

"I have to agree professor. James and Sirius were certainly no angels as teenagers, but there is no justification for Snape's behavior today. Snape is an adult-a professor while Harry is just a child that doesn't deserve to be mistreated," said Remus.

Dumbledore shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was he who looked a bit ashamed now.

"I see your point. I will have a talk with Severus about his behavior and I promise to step in whenever I can," said Dumbledore.

"You really will, professor?" James narrowed his eyes.

"You have my word, James," the Hogwarts Headmaster reassured.

"Thank you. ... But what about someone trying to kill my son during the match? Harry, Ron and Hermione think it's Snape because Hermione saw him muttering jinxes while Harry was having trouble with his broom," said James.

"James, I quite understand why Severus's actions might seem suspicious, but I assure you that despite his behavior toward your son, he has genuinely reformed from being a Death Eater and he is unequivocally working on our side. I cannot excuse his behavior towards Harry, but I can tell you with certainty that he does not wish death on Harry," Dumbledore said firmly.

"But, how can you be so certain?" asked Sirius, who was still scowling. "How can you truly tell that Snape is genuinely reformed and not just pretending?"

"I'm afraid the only evidence I can provide for now is my judgment. You may not trust Severus, but can you not trust me enough to know that I would not easily be fooled by a clever act?" said Dumbledore.

The three best friends exchanged skeptical looks.

"Perhaps Professor Dumbledore is right. We may not trust Severus, but I think we can trust Professor Dumbledore's judgment," said Remus reasonably.

James thought about it for a moment before he sighed.

"Alright professor, but even if I accept that it wasn't Snape who was trying to kill Harry, someone certainly was."

"Yes, I'm afraid so," said Dumbledore. "But I assure you that I will do everything in my power to find the culprit and prevent such an incident from occurring again."

The three Marauders left Dumbledore's office, reluctantly satisfied for the time being. They said one last goodbye to Harry before leaving.


James was at Flourish and Blotts at Diagon Alley when he caught glimpse of a girl about nine or ten trying to get a book out of a top shelf by standing on a ladder. The whole shelf was about to topple down on her before James quickly grabbed her away in the nick of time. Bystanders looked apprehensively at the ordeal as a worker at the store set the shelf back in its place with a flick of her wand.

"Are you alright?" asked James after he put her down.

"Yes. Thank you sir," said the girl with light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Cassie!" came an alarmed voice.

A pretty lady with light brown hair and brown eyes who strongly resembled the girl had run over, embraced her child and fussed over her for a little bit before looking up at James.



Becky Rowle was his ex-girlfriend. She was a year younger than him and they went out for a few months in his sixth year. Becky was part of his Quidditch team and they had a good relationship but something felt incomplete in their relationship. Things quickly ended when he realized that something was his unresolved feelings for Lily. It wasn't so much that he left Becky for Lily, but continuing the relationship felt like he was lying to himself and they ended things on mutual, amicable terms. They remained friends but had lost contact over years. Becky eventually married Sam Prince but unfortunately her husband had passed away seven years ago.

"Goodness, I can't believe this," said Becky.

"Neither can I," said James as the exes exchanged a fleeting hug.

"Thank you for saving my Cassie," Becky said gratefully.

"No problem," James shrugged.

"Cassie, this is James Potter, my friend from school," said the mother to her daughter.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Potter." Cassie held her hand out.

"Nice to meet you too, Cassie," James shook her extended hand.

"So how are Harry, Sirius and Remus? I heard Sirius is getting married."

"Terrific. Harry just started his first year at Hogwarts,"

"They grow up so fast. Cassie would be starting Hogwarts in two years." said a gleeful Becky.

Soon, James, Becky and Cassie were having ice cream together at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour. James and Becky caught up for old time's sake, the joys and woes of single parents being one of their topics of conversation. Like James, Cassie hadn't moved on to seeing someone else years after her spouse's death and they fully understood each other in that regard.

=to be continued=

A/N: My apologies for the late update. Please favorite if you like the story and add to your reading list the story if you want updates.

The scene with Becky is a tester. I'm not sure if I want James to get remarried. I can't imagine him with anyone other than Lily and I think James would think it a betrayal to Lily's memory to get remarried. What do you guys think. I'm confused on whether or not he should move on.

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