Chapter 20

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Harry's twelfth birthday was celebrated with the company of family and friends, including the Weasleys. Ron slept over that night and was with Harry when the Malfoy house elf, Dobby showed up to warn Harry not to return to Hogwarts. They concluded that Draco was just playing prank on them. The same conclusion was reached even when they discussed it with his father. James offered to speak to Lucius, but Harry said it wasn't a good idea as Dobby might be severely punished and he didn't want Draco thinking he fell for his prank.


A Quidditch game with his father in the heat of summer was always one of the many things that made Harry feel the warmth of home and family. Both father and son were attempting to score Quaffles over each other as an owl flew towards them.

"I won!!" Harry said cheekily when he scored a Quaffle while James was preoccupied with taking the letter from the owl.

"That's cheating," James tickled Harry as the latter giggled.

"Who's the owl from?" he asked as they landed on the ground.

"Hogwarts. Must be your new school list."

Harry sulked. He loved Hogwarts, but he was having so much fun at home. Nevertheless, he opened his letter and scanned through the list.

"Dad, aside from the Standard Book of Spells, the whole book list is written by a Gilderoy Lockhart. Is he a famous wizard?" asked Harry.

"Lockhart's a famous author that claims to have been on many adventures based on which he writes in his books. But I knew him in school. He gave teenage me a run for my money in conceit and attention seeking. As headboy, I had to rebuke him for pasting a huge picture of him of himself on the school notice board to advertise his autograph signing. He refused to comply until I threatened him." James shook his head.

"People wanted his autograph in school?" Harry was astonished. He didn't think Lockhart was a successful author even back as a student.

"Yeah. He had his looks, charm and marketing skills. Managed to build himself up to be to be more that he was with the gift of his gap. In school, he used to give out beauty and fashion tips. Wasn't hard to convince people of his knowledge, given his looks and how he groomed himself. He probably should have stuck with his area of expertise; beauty and fashion tips."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "The things he currently writes about aren't his area of expertise?"

"I'm afraid I'm not entirely convinced of his magical knowledge. I rather suspect he's at least exaggerating his hand on experiences. But this is of course just an assumption".

Just then, Hedwig arrived with a letter from Hermione.

"Hermione's still on vacation with her parents but she'll be home soon and plans on going to Diagon Alley next Saturday," said Harry.

"Brilliant, we'll do our Diagon Alley shopping then too. Owl the Weasleys if they're free next Saturday, so we can coordinate," said James.


Diagon Alley was packed when Harry arrived outside Flourish and Blott's. Joining him were the Marauders, Weasleys, Grangers, Miranda and Jenny. A large poster outside Diagon Alley announced that Gilderoy Lockart was signing autographs for his new book that day. Mrs. Weasley, Miranda and Jenny looked elated as James and Sirius rolled their eyes at each other. Harry suspected the latter two women only tagged along to meet Lockhart.

"Miranda fancies the insufferable prick" said Sirius as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"I do not" protested Miranda. "I just happen to admire his work."

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