Chapter 18

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Harry felt his scar occasional burn for the next few weeks as he kept visiting Voldemort in his dreams. He was convinced it was some sort of a warning that Voldemort was coming to power. Harry really wanted to tell his father about it and would have liked nothing better than to have his father by his side for comfort. But James was busy in an international Quidditch conference in the USA. Harry didn't want his father to cut short something important to his career to come solve his problems. He chose to wait till his father got back from his conference to tell him about it.

After their final exam, something struck Harry. He suddenly realized how odd it was that a stranger just happened to show up with the thing Hagrid wanted the most, a dragon. Ron, Hermione and him visited Harry and upon inquiry discovered the he had indeed let slip to the stranger how to get past Fluffy and had now let slip to Harry and friends. Playing music was the way to get past the three-headed dog as it put it to sleep.

The Golden Trio ran to McGonagall, asking for Dumbledore but she said that Dumbledore had been called on urgent business to the Ministry. When they told her about the stone, she assured them it was well protected. Harry was sure that Snape was the stranger Hagrid let slip the information to and sending Dumbledore to the Ministry was Snape's ploy now that he had all the information he needed. He needed to act quickly. Snape was going to steal the stone right at that moment, while Dumbledore was away. If McGonagall wasn't going to listen to his concerns, he was confident no other teacher would. He had to save the stone himself.

After initial reluctance, Ron and Hermione agreed to his plan and insisted on following him. They were temporarily blocked by Neville but Hermione had to regretfully petrify him. The Golden Trio snuck out in Harry's cloak to where Fluffy was. They managed to get past Fluffy and several other obstacles until they reached a game of gigantic wizard's chess. Ron who was a chess wizard guided their game of chess, but chose to lose and fall off his large chess so they could win and get to the next level. An injured Ron insisted he was fine and that Harry and Hermione should go on without him. The next obstacle was a set of potions and a riddle which Hermione figured out. But since there was only enough potion for one of them to get through, Harry insisted Hermione drink the potion that would take her back to where Ron was while he went ahead alone. Touched by his nobility, Hermione gave him the first hug he'd received from a girl. They both found that they admired each other's strengths over their own.

Harry was shocked to discover that it was Quirell and not Snape who was trying to steal the stone. Quirell had whatever was left of Voldemort behind his head. The last obstacle was the Mirror of Erised where only one who wanted the stone but not seeking its power would get the stone. Harry got the stone and in a battle with Quirell, passed out.


Harry woke up the next day to find James by his bedside at the hospital wing. His father looked relieved as he saw him open his eyes.

"Dad, the stone. He's got it. It was Quirell not Snape,'' he said as did his best to get up.

"Harry, calm down. The stone has been saved", he said as he helped Harry sit up.



Harry relaxed for the first time in months as he buried himself in James as his father protectively wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry, dad. I know you told me not get involved but there was no other way and Professor McGonagall refused to believe me".

"I know. Ron and Hermione told me everything," James stroked his back. "I just gave a piece of my mind to Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Not just because of this but because they thought it was a good idea to send first years into the Forbidden Forrest for detention. Maybe they were right in their view, but when my son's safety was at stake, I couldn't help it".

"So how did the stone get saved?"

His dad explained how Dumbledore had received Hermione's owl and arrived in time to pull Quirrell off him.

"You have loads of gifts and wishes from your friends," he said as he took a pack of Cadbury chocolates and handed one to Harry. "Remus says chocolate helps once you've been through a traumatizing event".

Harry gladly took the chocolate and took a bite as his father did same.

"By the way, Harry, did you purposely trick Draco Malfoy to sneak out of his dorm room with a fake dragon story?"

Harry gulped. He was almost hoping his father would forget the detention part in the realm of everything else that happened. Nevertheless he explained to his father about how he helped Hagrid sneak out a dragon.

James ran his hand through his hair. "I'd probably have done the same in your place, and I'm afraid I passed that inclination to you. But I won't completely fault you for trying to help Hagrid. It was actually a good idea to get Charlie to take the dragon".

Just then, Dumbledore arrived and Harry had more questions about his scar, how he saved the stone and Nicholas Flamel. The Headmaster explained that his mother's sacrifice left a mark in him and that's why Quirrell couldn't bear to touch him. He further explained that Nicholas Flamel had just enough time left to sort his affairs and would die at a very ripe old age.


James took Harry home that day, but not before he checked in with Ron and Hermione. Harry was upset that he had to miss the final Quidditch match which Gryffindor lost. But nevertheless, Gryffindor won the House Cup due to Dumbledore awarding last minute points to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville.

=to be continued=

This is the last chapter for year one. Please let me know if I should continue Year 2 here or in a new fic. Please, in a dilemma here.

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