Chapter 29

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James, Sirius and Remus exchanged worried glances when Harry recounted to them the voices he heard and how Hermione had rushed to the library. Harry looked at them, hoping one of them would have the answers but was afraid this was something not within their power to solve.

"I don't think it's a good idea for Hermione to be off alone when you just the heard the same voices that led to the attack of a muggle-born twice before," said Remus.

"Harry, lets go to Dumbledore about this," said James.

"Dad, I think we should wait till the end of the game?"

"Yeah". James put his hands on Harry's shoulders, searching his eyes intensely. "Harry, are you sure you're alright to be up in the air?"

"Yeah. I'm alright. It might even be a good distraction."

"Alright. Good luck out there." James embraced him.

Whether or not Gryffindor would finally win the cup, Harry didn't find out as McGonagall announced that the game was canceled just as they arrived at the pitch. All the students were ordered to return to their dormitories but Harry and Ron were told to follow McGonagall. Harry felt an uncomfortable lurch in his stomach as he followed McGonagall with Ron, his father and his uncles. His heart began to pound when he realized they were entering the hospital wing.

"Professor, what's going on?" he began to ask before he noticed who was on the hospital bed.

Harry's heart sank as he saw Hermione's petrified body. On the bed beside Hermione's was a petrified Penelope Clearwater. He looked at his father and uncles. The color on their faces had gone. James put his arms around his neck in comfort as Harry leaned in closer.

Professor McGonagall held up a small circular mirror that was found in Hermione's hand and asked Harry and Ron if either of them could explain it, but they could both only shake their heads.


"Professor, I'm taking Harry out of Hogwarts till you get to the bottom of these attacks," said James, crossing his arms.

"Now James, don't be hasty. We have added extra Security precautions for the students. They will no longer be moving around Hogwarts without adult supervision. And they are to be in their dormitories except during classes or meals, both of which they will be escorted to and from by a professor," said Dumbledore.

James hesitated "I don't know."

Harry needed to convince his father. He couldn't leave. Not when Hogwarts was in this state. "Dad, please. I don't want to leave Hogwarts."

"Harry, it's not forever. You can come back once Hogwarts is no longer in danger. And you can still see your friends," James reasoned.

But that wasn't Harry's problem with going home. He wouldn't mind going home if it weren't for the school being in danger and him being confident he could find the culprit with just a bit more investigating.

"But dad, Professor Dumbledore said there would be extra precautions. Besides, I'm not a target as a half-blood and no one else is going home. Please," he implored.

James looked from Harry to Dumbledore before relenting. "Alright, but one more attack, and you're coming home without a protest. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"Alright, I'll be leaving. Are you going to be alright son?" James took his hands in his.

"Yeah. It's just that this time it was one of my best friends."

"Don't worry. Hermione will be just fine in a couple of weeks once the mandrakes are ready.

Harry nodded as he embraced his father.


The new rules at Hogwarts were that they had to be back in their common rooms by six in the evening and that they were not allowed to leave their common rooms after six. Furthermore, they were to be escorted by a teacher to and from their classes and the bathroom. Worst of all for Harry, Quidditch practices and evening activities were suspended.

Harry had never seen Professor McGonagall look so distressed as she expressed her fear that the school may have to be shut down if the culprit isn't caught soon and pleaded with anyone with any information to come forward.

Harry may have been doing his investigation, but he didn't have any substantial information to come forward with other than what he found out about Hagrid. He didn't want to get Hagrid in trouble without any concrete proof. It could have been a misunderstanding. And Dumbledore who was a professor at the time must know of Hagrid's past, mustn't he?

George pulled Harry out of his thoughts to inform him of Percy being in shock due to Penelope being a prefect and his prior assumption of their immunity to the attacks. He had to do something and after a brief discussion, Harry and Ron decided to pay Hagrid a visit.


They snuck out with the cloak to Hagrid's hut and were barely in his hut for a few seconds, when they heard footsteps and hid under the cloak. Hagrid's visitors consisted of Dumbledore and Cornelius Fugde who Harry recognized as the Minister of Magic. Fudge regretfully informed Hagrid that he has been pressured to arrest him due to the attacks. Despite Hagrid's protests, it was out of both Fudge and Dumbledore's hands. Hagrid was unfortunately arrested to both Harry and Ron's horror. But before leaving, he seemed to sending them a cryptic message with "Whoever wants to know the truth would just have to follow the spiders". To add salt to the wound, Dumbledore was temporarily removed as headmaster of Hogwarts. Harry knew who to blame. With Dumbledore gone, he knew things would get worse.


Harry wrote to his dad regarding Hagrid and Dumbledore's fates, omitting the part about him sneaking out. James is usually lenient about sneaking out, but Harry didn't think he would be this time, when the school was in danger and if his motive was investigating the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry expressed his faith in Hagrid but omitted what he had seen in the diary. He hated keeping things from his dad but he knew no other way to save the school.

James replied him, worried about school and Harry but trusting of Hagrid's innocence. Like Harry, James also deduced that Lucius Malfoy had used his influence to remove Dumbledore from Hogwarts. His dad further added that he would try his best to get them both back at Hogwarts. He also offered to bring Harry back home. Eventhough Harry would loved to see his dad, especially since it would make him feel safer in the current situation, he had to refuse.

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