Chapter 7

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James and Harry were both standing in front of a mirror in the informal hall, trying but failing to comb their short, but messy black hair.

"It's no point, son, we're cursed with the Potter hair,"

"Oh, would you both stop fussing about your hair," said an amused Sirius.

"Not everyone is blessed with naturally great hair like you, Sirius," said James.

"Well, that's true." Sirius stroked his hair and gave it a flip.

Sirius had lustrous black hair with soft curls that fell easily on his face.

"You could use your dad's Sleekeazy hair potion," Remus suggested.

James' father, Fleamont Potter who also had his son and grandson's messy black hair was a famous potioneer who invented the Sleekeazy Hair Potion. The potion gave its' wearer sleek hair and massively increased their family's fortune. Fleamont sold the company for a large sum shortly before he died.

"Applying that potion takes at least an hour. It's best used only for formal occasions," said James.

Nevertheless, with a bit of muggle hair gel, they managed to groom their hair to be at least partially neat. It didn't work as well as Sleekeazy's, but it was much quicker to apply and needed no brewing.

James put both his arms protectively around Harry from the back. "Do I really need to send my baby boy away to school? Can't I just home-school him?" He clinged as tightly as possible to his son.

This was the fifth time he had said this ever since Harry got his Hogwarts letter. Aside from the fact that he would miss Harry, he was also a little overprotective of his son. The first month after Lily's death was the worst as he would refuse to leave Harry's side. For the next six months, he would only be comfortable leaving Harry with Sirius or Remus. It took a year before he was ready to hire a caregiver.

"Now James, Harry needs a proper education," Remus said in mock patience as if explaining to a child.

"And you don't want Harry to miss out on experiencing Hogwarts, do you?" asked Sirius.

"But what if it's not safe?" he asked defensively.

"James, there's no safer place than Hogwarts. Even back when Voldemort was at large, he never dared attack the school while it was under Professor Dumbledore's watch," Remus reasoned.

"And I'm sure the few of his Death Eaters that still roam around *cough*Lucius*cough* would not dare do something Voldemort himself was afraid of," Sirius added.

James deliberated this before sighing and letting go of Harry. "I suppose you're both right."


There was a last minute hustle and bustle at Platform Nine and Three Quarters as students said their last goodbyes to their parents and boarded The Hogwarts Express. Harry looked his at father, godfather and Uncle Remus and took in their faces. It would be months before he saw them again.

"Bye dad".

"I'll miss you, son," said James earnestly.

"I'll miss you too, dad," said Harry as both father and son embraced.

"We'll see you in December. Have a great term and don't forget to write to your dear old father," James said after they pulled away.

"I will".

"Bye Uncle Sirius".

"Well, Prongslet, try not to get into too much trouble. The key is not getting caught." Sirius winked.

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