Chapter 34

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Guys, I have created a poll for this fanfic (but read the A/N first). I kindly request your help to vote on this so I decide on Harry's endgame. Thank you :

The next day, Harry, James and Remus headed back home. James and Remus quickly left to gain insight on the Peter situation while Harry was left with his nanny, Helen. His father only returned after dinner and Harry met him at their hallway.

"Dad, what's going on? Has Peter been found yet?" asked Harry.

James looked down. "I'm afraid there has been no sign of him. It's almost impossible to find a rat."

"Oh. Umm ... I don't think he'd want to risk it by trying anything though," Harry reasoned, his fingers crossed.

"Son, we can't be sure of that. If Peter's been holding a grudge or is still out to do Voldemort's biding, you'll be the first person he looks for. I can't risk that."

"What does that mean?" Harry asked indignantly.

James's lips tightened. "I'm sorry son. It pains me to say this but I can't permit your Hogsmeade trips until Peter is found.

Harry crossed his arms "But you already signed it".

"I know. I'll have to owl Professor McGonagall about retracting my permission until he's found".

"Then why don't you just lock me up here, dad? Why send me to Hogwarts at all? Harry's voice began to rise.

"Harry.... There will be dementors placed outside Hogwarts and you will more easily be supervised by the staff there. But at Hogsmeade, it's open season."

"THIS IS NOT FAIR. Why should I have to suffer because that rat escaped? We don't even know for sure that he'll be be after me."

"Harry, I understand that you're upset and it's not fair but please understand that I can't risk your safety even if there was only a fraction of a chance he was after you. It's only until he's found."

"You just said it's almost impossible for him to be found. Dad, please. There must be a way around this. I can't be expected to give up Hogsmeade or freedom forever if he's never found," Harry pleaded.

"Harry please" It was James's turn to implore. "I'm sorry. I don't like doing this but for now, there would be no Hogsmeade trips. But I promise that I will do my best to find Peter as soon as possible".

"I HATE THIS." Harry stormed off to his room and slammed his door, ignoring his dad's voice calling back to him.

He hated losing his temper at his dad but he couldn't help it. A rational part of him knew James was just trying to protect him but it didn't make him any less angry. Not necessarily at his father but at the situation. Maybe a little at his father. Surely his father could figure out a way without having to punish him for no fault of his. Harry never felt more stifled. He needed to get way from everything. Without much thinking, he found himself packing his trunk and sneaking out his window. He was about to sneak out the back gate but remembered that there were charms placed around it. When they first came back after Lily's death, James had wizards placed as security around their mansion, but as Sirius made peace with his father shortly before the latter's death, Orion Black had told Sirius where he could find the protection charms placed around Grimmauld Place and convinced him to use them despite them being dark magic as it was for protection and not something dark. Sirius and James decided to see the gray area and embraced the idea of using those charms to protect their homes.

"Harry, where do you think you're going?" came his dad's voice behind him.

Harry thought he could die of shame and guilt when he saw the look on his dad's face when he noticed Harry with his trunk. Besides his father, stood Jenny who had just come over.

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