Chapter 14

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At the start of Christmas break, Harry and the Weasley boys were picked up at the King's Cross Station by the Marauders and brought to Potter Manor which was located in Springton Valley, an upper-class neighborhood where both wizards and muggles lived. Ron and his brothers were slacked-jawed as they looked around the house which was covered mostly in exquisite marble flooring and panel walls.

"You have a lovely home, Mr. Potter," said Percy courteously as the twins rolled their eyes at each other.

"Thank you Percy," said James.

The Weasleys enjoyed their tour around Potter Manor which included several halls, a kitchen, a grand dining room, 12 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, a game room, a library, a gym and a basement which included a Potion's lab. Harry and Ron had promised to Hermione that they would secretly research about Nicholas Flamel at the Potter Library. The boys were also shown their specific rooms. Ron was to sleep in Harry's room, the twins were to share a room while Percy was delighted to get an elegant large room all to himself. After a tour of the manor, they were given a tour of the backyard which included a garden, a Quidditch pitch, a guesthouse and a swimming pool.


Over the holidays, Harry had blast with Ron and his brothers. They would play Quidditch every morning, sometimes joined by the Marauders. James even provided them with much appreciated pointers. They played wizard chess and exploding snap and spent the nights gossiping over hot chocolate which mostly involved plotting against people like Snape, Zabini and Malfoy. They never actually planned on carrying out the plots, but had fun fantasizing them nevertheless. Percy mostly kept to himself in the library but was occasionally convinced to join in their activities. Besides that, the Marauders had even taken them out on outings to places like the museum and zoo.

There was a grand Christmas party at Potter Manor on Christmas Eve. Besides Sirius, Remus and Miranda, the guests included several friends and business associates including Jenny Parkinson, an old friend of James's who used to be two years below the Marauders in school .To Percy's delight, he was introduced to several prominent members from the Department of Magical Games and Sports including it's head, Ludo Bagman, The other Weasley boys on the other hand were delighted to be introduced to members of the Phoenix Pioneers.

"Wow, Harry flies just as great as you do," Jenny said with awe as the adults were watching the kids sans Percy play a game of Quidditch.

"He's probably better that I am," said James proudly.

"I think you're definitely at least just as good." The attractive blonde blushed.

"Yeah?" he grinned, oblivious that her blue eyes were gazing at him as his were busy watching his son.


Harry and Ron were awakened by the excited Weasley twins on Christmas morning. Equally enthusiastic, they ran down to the large Christmas tree in family hall. Percy could be heard yelling at Weasley twins from upstairs about being disturbed from his sleep. Soon the Potters and Weasleys had gathered around the tree which was surrounded with presents and exchanged Merry Chirstmas hugs.

Harry received several wonderful gifts from his father, Sirius and Remus which included the next book in the mystery/adventure book franchise he was following and a diary, a roughly cut wooden flute from Hagrid, a jumper and a large box of homemade fudge from Mrs. Weasley and a large box of Cadburys from Hermione. Harry was touched that Hermione remembered his favorite chocolates and that Mrs. Weasley sent him a jumper. He would write thank you notes to them and Hagrid later. The Weasley boys received their share of gifts from their parents, Hagrid, Hermione and the Marauders.

There were lower scale Christmas lunch and dinner feasts that day which were only attended by the Marauders and Miranda.


That night, James entered Harry's room carrying a parcel behind him.

"Wondered why you received one less present than usual from me this year?" asked James.

"Because you have another one for me behind there," said Harry knowingly.

James grinned as he sat down beside his son.

"I saved the best for last," he said as he handed him the package.

Harry felt it and knew what it was as he tore the package open to find the Invisibility Cloak. He had anticipated the day he would inherit it but didn't think it would come this soon.

"You're giving it to me now?"

"Your grandfather gave it to me on Christmas of my first year, so I figured I'd keep up the tradition," James shrugged.

Harry broke into a wide grin and hugged his father. "Thanks dad!"

"Showing it to Ron and Hermione is alright. But please keep your possession of it a secret from everyone else," James implored as Harry nodded. "Unlike me, I trust you to use it wisely. You will, won't you?" he looked intently at his son.

"Well ... does sneaking out for duels with Zabini and Malfoy count as using it wisely?" Harry asked mischievously as James answered his cheek by tickling him.

"I was only joking," said Harry between giggles. "I promise to use it wisely."

James stopped tickling Harry to find a grinning Ron who had just come out of the bathroom. But his cheeks were pink as if he was unsure if he was interrupting something.

"Alright Ron? Just wanted to give Harry his final gift. Well, goodnight boys," James kissed Harry's forehead and gave Ron a fleeting hug before exiting the room.

Harry excitedly showed Ron the cloak as both boys gleefully spent about an hour playing and experimenting with the cloak.

The Christmas holidays passed too quickly for the liking of Harry and the Wealsey boys who were having so much fun at Potter Manor. They returned to Hogwarts a day before classes began. Hermione was disappointed that they hadn't been able to find out who Nicholas Flamel was. Harry and Ron did try to look for information on Nicholas Flamel at the Potter's library but were unsuccessful.

A/N: Please ADD TO YOUR READING LIST or FOLLOW ME the story if you want updates and VOTE if you liked it. Please REVIEW so that I know if I'm going in the right direction.

Jenny's introduction is just testing the waters. It doesn't mean I'll go any further with pairing her with James. But I really need your opinions to decide.

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