Chapter 9

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Once they had reached their destination, Harry, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo stepped out of the Hogwarts Express to join Hagrid who had called out for the first years. As he was gathering the first years, Hagrid gave Harry a warm smile and wave which he returned. The groundskeeper's smiled faltered just a little when he saw Harry's company of the four future Slytherins. He wondered how he knew who they were, but remembered that Draco was the spitting image of Lucius.

Hagrid informed them that they were to get to Hogwarts on boats through the Great Black Lake. Harry, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle got into a boat while Theo offered to get into another boat with one of his female friends since they were only allowed four to a boat.


They were now in the Great Hall at Hogwarts as the sorting ceremony commenced.

"Potter, Harry," called McGonagall.

It was Harry's turn to try on the sorting hat. Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goyle and Theo Nott had all been sorted into Slytherin, while Hermione Granger had been sorted into Gryffindor. Harry had decided to let the Sorting hat decide his destiny even if his destiny was Slytherin. He heard many whispers among the students and staff members at the mention of his name. He felt many eyes on him as he made his way to the stool as the whole room watched him with interest due to him being "The Boy Who Lived". He picked up the sorting hat, put it on his head and sat on the stool waiting for its' verdict.

"Hmm ... not an easy one! I see bravery, and a disposition for chivalry and recklessness which would fit a true Gryffindor. I see loyalty, dedication, and a knack for forming strong friendship bonds which would fit Hufflepuff. I see intelligence and wit which would fit Ravenclaw. I also see talent, determination, resourcefulness and disregard for rules which would fit very well with Slytherin. Where to put you? ... Hmm ... You could do very well in Slytherin indeed ... But there's also ... hmm ..." the hat pondered.

After a good whole minute, the hat finally said "But alas, at the core you're a GRYFFINDOR."

Harry received the loudest cheer, especially from the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall looked elated for a brief moment before she consciously turned her expression back to neutral. He looked at Draco Malfoy who looked disappointed, but shrugged and gave him a small sad smile with a slight sneer. Harry heard a lot of whispering as he walked towards the Gryffindor table. The Gryffindors looked at him as if they were eyeing a priceless jewel as he took his place at the Gryffindor table.

He looked up at the staff table and saw Hagrid beaming at him with relief on his face. Professor Dumbledore looked pleased as he held up a glass in salute. His eyes then wandered towards a greasy haired man with a hook nose who was fixing him with a cold stare. Harry recognized him by his distinctive hook nose and greasy hair that the Marauders had described to him. He didn't know whether he was imagining things due to the Marauders warning him to beware of Severus Snape who used to be their arch-nemesis, but he thought he could feel an intense hatred from the Potion's professor's eyes that even his scar began to hurt.

Harry received a warm welcome at the Gryffindor table which included a hug from Oliver. Soon, they were joined by Dean Thomas and Ron Weasley. Ron took a seat next to him as they exchanged names and shook hands. Ron was briefly star-struck by Harry's name and asked to see his scar which Harry obliged.

"Ron Weasley? You wouldn't happen to be related to Charlie Weasley would you?" asked Harry.

"You know my brother?" asked Ron, astonished.

"Your brother? Cool! I heard he was the seeker on the Gryffindor team and an excellent one," said Harry as Ron looked abashed that Harry considered his brother and by extension him cool.

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