Chapter 38

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Harry, Ron and Hermione congratulated Hagrid on his new teaching position after the feast, during which their new Care of Magical Creatures professor tearfully expressed his gratitude towards Dumbledore. The first thing Harry did when they entered their Common Room was head straight to his dormitory and fish out his communication mirror from his trunk that Sirius had lent him.

"Hey dad"

James's smiling face appaeared at the mirror. "Alright son? How are things so far?"

Harry recounted to James what happened in the train with the dementors and confided in his dad regarding how he felt weak that he was more effected by the dementors than everyone else around him.

James bit his lip and ran his hand through his hair. "Son, the dementors effect you more because your worst memory is seeing your mother die. I reckon that's worse than the worst memories of Ron, Hermione or any other kid who was there with you. So please don't feel like there's anything weak in you. It's not the case at all".

Harry felt a little better from what his dad said. "So it's really because of that? And not because I'm weak?"

"It really is. Read any book on dementors and it would tell you that it's effect on people is based on their worst memories. That's why you relived your worst memory. Are you alright now? The dementors aren't bothering you while you're in Hogwarts, are they?"

"No no." Harry waved his arms in dismissal. "The dementors are outside of Hogwarts. They aren't a bother at all while I'm in Hogwarts. I'm alright now dad. Really. Have you heard of Professor Charity Burbage?"

His father's face contorted as he clasped his hand over his head. "Yeah. Poor lady. She was one the nicest professors though she never officially taught me."

"What happened to her? I mean how did she ..."

"Apparently, she was found dead at home, and killed with the killing curse. No suspects yet."

"Dad, this might be a long shot but do you think her murder has anything to do with either Peter's escape or the theft at St. Mungo's and Belleview? I can't help but feel it's not a coincidence," said Harry pensively.

James leaned back and put both his hands together in steeple position. "I can't think of how they're related but you're right that it's probably not a coincidence. The person behind the thefts may have had a need from Professor Burbage in regards to the theft. Or Peter may have had a need from her in regards to whatever he's up to with serving Voldemort. Or both if Peter himself is behind the thefts. But this is all speculation of course. They may all very well be unrelated crimes. We can only say for sure with more hard evidence."

Harry nodded in agreement. Sure, his gut feeling may tell him there a connection but they couldn't be sure with no hard evidence. He continued chatting with his father for some time before the other four boys in his dorm came in. After a brief greeting between James and the other boys, Harry and James called it a night. Right before that, his father told him that he would have a word with Fudge about the dementors at the train and urged them to beware and have a talk with Hagrid if he brought something too dangerous to class.

The next morning Harry entered the Great Hall with his two best friends to find Malfoy and his fellow Slytherin friends making a mockery of his experience with the dementors. Hermione held his hand and advised him to ignore them. Fred and George cheered him up by pointing out how Malfoy himself had entered their compartment out of fear and reminding him that the blonde git stood no chance against him during their upcoming Quidditch match.

Professor McGonagall handed out their new timetables. Bickering ensued between Ron and Hermione due to the former being puzzled at latter's timetable showing various classes at the same time. Harry knew Hermione was hiding something and gaslighting Ron in her denial. She clearly had three classes lined up for her first period including Muggle Studies and Divination. He remembered her private meeting with Professor McGonagall and wondered if it had anything to do with what she was hiding.

Just then Hagrid arrived and expressed his excitement for his upcoming lesson and how he spent all night preparing for it. The Golden Trio were to be in his first ever lesson. Ron was a little worried about what Hagrid had prepared. They loved their new half-giant professor, but he didn't have the best danger radar.

As they headed to class, Harry whispered to Ron while Hermione was a few feet ahead and busy checking her timetable. "Ron, about Hermione's timetable, she told me last night that there's something between her and McGonagall that she can't tell us right now but she'll tell us when she's ready. Maybe we should let her tell us when she's ready?"

His best-friend raised his eyebrows before sighing. "I guess" he muttered.

Their first class for the day was Muggle Studies and Harry was a bit excited for a new class that was a refreshing change to the classes he was used to in the past two years. He was curious as to how wizards studied about muggles and muggle culture.

=to be continued=

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