Chapter 11

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After word had reached the Slytherins that Harry was the Gryffindor team's new Seeker, he was confronted by a jealous Blaise Zabini with Draco Malfoy by his side. Blaise mocked him and accused him enjoying special privilege. He followed this by goading Harry and challenging him to a duel. Draco was clearly jealous as well from his expression, but he also seemed conflicted about showing it. Perhaps he was confused about how to view or treat Harry just like Harry himself was confused about him. Harry made Ron his second while Blaise made Draco his second.

Hermione who had overheard their exchange tried to "advice" Harry out of it, but he wouldn't have any of her interference. However, the bushy haired muggle-born was not to be ignored. She lay awake waiting for them. Harry and Ron chose to ignore her again, but she followed them out of the Common Room. Unfortunately, the Fat Lady had gone out visiting while they were arguing, so Hermione was trapped outside with them. If that wasn't enough, Neville Longbottom was also stuck outside with them as he had forgotten the password and was sleeping outside the portrait after he returned from the Hospital Wing. Neville was raised by his strict grandmother after his parents were tortured to the point of insanity by four Death Eaters shortly after Lily's death. Harry knew about Neville's parents, but chose to keep it to himself as the Marauders had advised him not to bring it up at school or to Neville.

As such, Harry and Ron were stuck having Hermione and Neville tagging along with them and had to endure former's nagging about how they got her into this. Harry argued back that she chose to follow them. They were to meet Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy outside the Trophy room, but soon realized that the boys were not going to show up and this was merely a ploy to get them out of bed. Filch who was tipped off by Blaise knew to show up near the Trophy room. While they were escaping Filch, they ended up in the forbidden third floor corridor. This led to them entering a locked room where they came face to face to with three headed dog. Fortunately, they managed to escape from the room before either of them was eaten. Even more fortunately, they managed to escape Filch. A very annoyed Hermione pointed out that the three headed dog was standing on a trapdoor and guarding something before heading off to bed. Harry was sure that the dog was guarding the thing in the small package that Hagrid had emptied from Vault 713.

Harry had half a mind to write to his dad about it, but he was afraid that his dad wouldn't take well to him almost being eaten by a three headed dog. James sent Harry's broom the next day and Harry was delighted to have a double victory over Blaise Zabini who was not only shocked to see him the next day but was also jealous when he confronted him and discovered he had just been sent a Nimbus 2000. Draco looked a little jealous as well, but Harry knew that Draco himself had a Nimbus 2000 at home. Zabini stormed off in rage after Flitwick arrived and told Zabini that Harry was made an exception by the school and allowed a broom. Once the Ravenclaw head of house walked away, it was just Harry, Ron and Draco left.

"What did I ever do to you?" asked Harry indignantly.

"I told you he was no good and you shouldn't be civil to him," said Ron.

"Shut it, Weasley," Draco warned

"He's right. You tried to get me in trouble for no reason," said Harry.

"It wasn't me. It was Blaise," said Draco.

"Well, you were in on it. You agreed not to show up for the duel and don't tell me you didn't know that Zabini had tipped Filch off," said Harry.

"I ... well, it's not fair that you get privileges that other first years aren't allowed," said Draco.

"I didn't ask for those privileges. What do you expect me do? Turn them down and let my house lose the Quidditch cup? Would you have turned them down?" asked Harry.

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