Chapter 40

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"Hello big brother".

"How? ... They said you were ...."

"I can explain." Regulus held up his hands. "Please hear me out" he implored.

Sirius took Regulus inside Black Manor and into one of the empty rooms where no one could hear them. He took a look at his brother that he hadn't seen in fourteen years. The thirty-two year old man in front of him had a more mature face than the eighteen year old boy Regulus was the last time Sirius had seen him. But aside from that, he looked quiet the same. His hair was still the same almost shoulder length black hair and there didn't seem to be any noticeable change in his weight. Sirius and Regulus resembled each other quiet a bit. Both were thin, had similar facial features (though Sirius was said to be handsomer) and had the same sleek black hair which Sirius in the recent years had kept short and stopped growing out. He couldn't believe that his brother who he thought he had lost and failed was standing right in front of him. Sirius pinched himself. As much as he felt a warmth and affection for the man in front of him, he was also cross and annoyed that Regulus hadn't contacted him in fourteen years and let him believe he was dead.

"How have you been Sirius?"

Sirius crossed his arms. "Really? Regulus, you said you wanted to be explain, so start explaining where you were all these years and why you waited till now to show up at my house."

Regulus began explaining how back in 1979, Voldemort had asked to borrow Kreacher to which he enthusiastically agreed. This received an eye-roll from Sirius. Regulus found out afterwards that Voldemort had used Kreacher to test the defenses guarding his locket Horcrux at the cave. Fortunately, Kreacher had managed to escape using house-elf magic and Regulus had subsequently gone back and exchanged the locket for a fake one. He was on his way to seek out Sirius but had met with an accident during which he lost his memory. He had only recently regained his memory and had been at Grimmauld Place with Kreacher for the past few months.

Sirius had listened to Regulus's whole tale without interruption and didn't know how to feel when he finished. A part of him was shocked. A part of him of was happy that his brother was alive and well. Another part of him was proud of what his brother did. A part of him felt guilty for being angry since Regulus's memory loss was a good reason for him not reaching out all these years. It was overwhelming to have all these emotions bundled up in him at once and he wasn't sure how to react or which emotion to react on. He stood staring blankly at Regulus for while before reacting.

Sirius ran his hand through his hair and his brows were furrowed. "Blimey. I don't know how to respond. I've heard of horcruxes but never though anyone would actually make one. I hate to say I told you so, Regulus, but I did warn you that Voldemort was bad news."

Regulus flinched at the mention of 'you know who's' name before crossing his arms. "I know .. alright. I screwed up. But I tried to make it right."

Perhaps Sirius was being a bit harsh. His brother seemed to have come to his senses and was trying to reach out. "I'm sorry. You're right. We've all done things we shouldn't have as teenagers. The most important thing is that you redeemed yourself."

"I'm not sure if I redeemed myself. I mean I didn't really stop 'you know who'." Regulus looked down, clasping his arms.

"You had a conscience when you realized he went too far and you switched his horcrux with a fake. For that I'm proud of you," said Sirius.

Regulus narrowed his eyes. "Really?"

"Well yes," Sirius shrugged. "We didn't get along much, growing up. And while a part of me thought you were an idiot for the path you chose, a part of me felt like I failed you. That I should have tried harder to get through to you," he said ruefully. "In fact, this might sound silly but I've been reaching out to Draco Malfoy, trying to save him because I felt guilty that I didn't try hard enough to save you."

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