chapter 1: Zachary's POV

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"Zachary L. James jr.?"

"Yes!" I startle awake.

"Were you just sleeping in MY class"

"No ma'am, I was not"

"Then what did I just go over"

"Uhh..." I hear the gremlins in the back laughing at me. And the fairy's gossiping. "I-I don't know"
"Do you at least know what class you're in!?"

"Yes, your class," I say as I give a slight smirk. 

"That's it. I have had it up to here," she points to the top of her head. Given the fact she is half-giant. that probably makes her about 7 and a half feet tall. "Go to the office NOW!"

"Yes ma'am." As I walk out I see someone I have never seen before. I can't make out what kind of creature he is. When I enter the office my principal looks at me dead in the eye. 

"So you back, Zach."

"Yes sir" 

"Look kid, I know it's not easy being the only vampire in the day school-"

"Correction, half-vampire. I'm not a full vampire. If I were I would be in the night classes."

"Yeah, Half-vampire whatever. What is important is your classes. This is the 5th time this week. Hell, it's only Wednesday. So tell me, kid. What and why did you do what you did?"

"You're a wise guy, you know that. You're like what 140 years old. Cant, you cast a spell and read my mind. Hm? Mr. P."

"If you're going to play like 2 hours of detention for a week straight. Every day after school. I'm going to call your parents IF you don't listen and do as your told. Your 17 so act 17." 

I was giving the 'if you don't you will be in big trouble' look so I agreed and went off with my day.

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