Chapter 2: Zachary POV

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As I walk back to class I see the kid again. "I wonder who he is..." I say to myself or I thought I said to myself.

"He, my friend, is the 'hot new boy' according to all the female fairies. And better yet he is a werewolf."

"Wait for real? There's not a single one in the school. Don't they have their own school? One where they learn how to be a 'good boy'" I laugh at that to myself. 

"You're a funny man." He hits the back of my head "according to the rumors he was expelled for anger issues. Anyway, I'm Jason." He puts his hand out for me to shake. "And you are?"

"Zachary, or Zach. Whichever you want to call me." I'm not sure what Jason is up to but he seems to be nice. 

"So what did you do be sent to the office Zachary?" 

"I fell asleep..." I say. 

"Ah, so may I ask... you look human but you here. You cant be a vampire... or are you half...?"

"Half," I say. "My mom is a human my dad is a vampire. I would rather be in the night classes but Mr. P said there full." I let out a sigh. I just wish I was normal. I don't wanna be half-human and vampire.

*later that day*

"Dad I'm home"

"He's not here Zach" my sister appears around the corner. 

"Oh" she too is half vampire and half-human. "Where did he go?" 

"The 'market'" the market is a place where blood is on hold for vampires. However only superior vampires get the good stuff. Like my dad. "He said he'll be back in a few hours."

"When did he leave?" 

"I don't know. Why do you ask so many questions?" 

"Ugh. Whatever. I'm going to do homework."

"Wait! We got new neighbors! Let's go say hi."

"Do I have to go...?"


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