Chapter 15: Lukes POV

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When Monday came around I put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I'm too lazy to change my earring so I stay with the golden stud. I grab my stuff and head out the door. When I walk out I see Zachary and his sister getting into a car. "Must be going to school now too," I say to myself

At school

"So like I told Jason, you know Zach's, friend that I like Zach," Mia said. "You won't believe what he said!"

"Yeah? What did he say?" I reply.

"HE LIKES ME BACK!" she yelled, I had to cover my ears, Then her face went blank.

"Hey um, Mia. Right?" I look over, there he is... Zachary... I can tell he didn't even know her name if he had to double-check.

"Yes, that is me." She sounds nervous. "D-did you need something?" I look over to see her face red just like a tomato.

I look back over to Zachary "Uh yeah actually. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" 

What? He didn't even know her name. I feel a rage appear out of nowhere. Did Jason set this up?

I look back over to Mia. "YES OF COURSE!" She yells. I had to cover my ears again. Why does she get so loud? "Oh my God"

"Good," he laughs. "Here is my number. Give me a call soon," he said then walks back to Jason. The bell rings and we head to class.

I still can't believe what just happened. I still have a rage in me. On top of all that my 1st class is with Zachary.

In class

"Okay, so the founders of our town..." the teacher goes on. Wait, wasn't Zachary's dad a founder... I look over at him. He does seem to be paying attention to any of this. Instead, he is playing on his phone. He's probably playing a game. I can't tell. His face doesn't seem happy. Almost like he received bad news. The bell rings and I head to my next classes. Time goes by fast because the next thing I know is lunch.

At lunch

I sat down next to mia. "I can't believe it!" she said, " we texted 1st hour. He is so nice. Ugh I can't believe this is happening to me! Pinch me, I might be dreaming!" so that's what he was doing on his phone. He sure didn't look happy. Out of nowhere Zachary and Jason appear. "Hello, Zachary. Oh hi, Jason."

Jason was the 1st to speak. "Heyyy"

"Hey mia," Zachary said. He gives me a look, "hey luke".

I give a node and keep eating. I don't say a word, however, I do listen in on their conversations. 

Note from me ( sailing-saphire )

Hey, y'all! Sorry, it's been a few. I guess I just lost inspiration since school started. I'm back now though. Hope you liked this longer chapter. I'll try to get more out! Go take a look at my other story while you're at it. ( The Dark Place ) remember to stay safe! Have a wonderful day/night!

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