Chapter 19: Zachary's POV

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"Oh yeah, your welcome..." Luke says before looking up at me.

Something about the look in his eye just made me feel, uneasy. "I-I should go, it's getting late and I have to make dinner for my sister." Wow, great lie I say to myself. My sister is 220 she can make her own dinner.

"Oh uh yeah see you t-tomorrow..." he replies.

I gather my things and head out, but before I can get through the door I almost run into Mr. Johnson. "Oh sorry, sir."

"What are you doing here?" His strong voice booms through my head leaving me stunned.

"Oh Hunny, the boys have a science project. Another one was supposed to be over but he never showed..."

Mr. Johnson didn't reply he just looked at me and then left into the kitchen.

"I'll be leaving now, thank you for letting me come over and work," I said and rushed over to my place.

"You sure were over there long." my sister says as I walk in.

I just pretend she is not there and head up to my room.

"What not even a hello!?" She yells at me.

"Hi! Now leave me alone!" I yell back. When I get into my room I close the curtains and flop on my bed. I close my eyes but all I see is him, Luke. Give me that look... What about that look makes me so uneasy...

I managed to fall asleep, but when I woke up the next day I was still being haunted form that look... wait what time is it? I grab my phone and check the time.

10:17 am... 3 missed calls from Jason... 36 missed calls from Mia and 178 texts...

Damn.... WAIT 10:17 am!? No wonder I have so many texts and calls. I'm so late. Ugh, my head... when was the last time I ate something other than human food... who opened my curtains... its so bright... as I try to stand and wobble my way over to my blood fridge. I'm not sure how I managed to make it still.

I need about 3 liters a week at least. But I can also go by with replacing 1 pound of human food from the 3 because I'm half-human.

I take out a blood bag and start to drink it. Just right as my bedroom door swings open and there stands Jason, Luke, and Mia. "you know there is a thing called knocking right?"

"Told you we should have Jason!" Mia says still looking at me.

"His sister said we didn't have to!"

"My sister!? You really listened to her about this? My privacy has been violated". I say as I take another sip.

"Sorry," Mia says leaving. She looked like she was gonna be sick.

"I'll go check up on her for yeah pal," Jason said also leaving.

"Well, you gonna tell me what you 3 are doing here?" I say looking at Luke's feet. I can't seem to look him in the face.

"Uh well, I um. I never wanted to come Mia kinda made me and-"

Jason appeared out of nowhere "What Luke is trying to say is we got out of class to see if you were alive."

"Well I am, so leave." 

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