chapter 8: Zachary POV

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As we walk into the house I hear my dad "where were you two!" his voice was stern and very angry.

"It was Zachary's fault. He told me to go over I did want to but he... he told me if I didn't he would-"

"I did not! You were the one that wanted to go over not me!" I can tell he trust my sister more than me just by the way he's looking at me. Damn it.

"Both of you shut up!" My dad is even angrier. "Zachary you are room band for a week."

"But I-"

"Shut up! The room now!"

I give my sister the ima get you next time look then walk to my room. There's not much to do here. I have a smart tv so I can listen to music. However, dad doesn't like when it's too loud. I do have a few books. I didn't get my phone taken away this time so that's good. I forgot Jason gave me his number at lunch. 'You won't believe who moved next to me' I text him. A few minutes go by and then I get a reply

*there's are the text between Jason and Zachary*

Let me guess🤔... a hot single lady?

You wish. No, try again.

The 'hot new boy'


Wow. Who would have known? Did you go visit?

Unfortunately yes my sister made me. I had a bad feeling when she did now I'm room bound for a week because she lied. Fun am I right😒🙄

Damn. Well, I wish you the best of luck in your room. I got to go. Talk to you later!

Kk, bye.

*end of the texting*

Well since I have the weekend to my room mine as well catch up on the sleep I've missed.

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