Chapter 17: Luke's POV

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As lunch gets over I head straight to my class. I really hate science, and worst of all I have it with Zachary. Everyone gets into their seats and the teacher starts. "Okay, class! Today we will be working on a project. I have picked the people you will be working with. 1st up in Zachary, Jason, and Luke." damn it, I have to work with him. God, I hate my life. "Okay, you guys get to pick what you want you what to work on as long as it is science-related. Okay, go to your partners!" Absolutely amazing. I have to work with Zachary and his best friend. I hate my life.

"So what do we want our Project to be on?" Jason said

"Hmm I'm not so sure" Zachary replied, " we could do it over the evolution of humans?"

"That would take us forever to do all the research plus that's not that interesting. I think we should do it over love. You know the chemical reaction in your brain!"

"I don't know man... well I guess since it's the only other idea we have. what do you think Luke?"

"I don't care as long as we get a good grade" I want to say that sounds stupid but I don't want to get on their bad side

"Then it's settled, it's about love," Jason said with a romantic tone. "Hey, teach, we have our topic!"

"Jason how many times I have to tell you not to call me that, you address me as Mr. Ames to you."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Ames. Anywho we want to do a project over the chemicals That give you the love stimulus that works in your brain."

"Are you sure that you guys will be able to work on that? It sounds like a lot of work... and for you Jason... it may be a little hard to do."

"Are you dissing our idea, Mr. Ames?" Jason said overly dramatic.

"No just- never mind, start your research then"

"That's what I thought teach," Jason said with a smirk on his face. "So basically we need to do some research on this"

"Well no duh." Zachary said "what else are we going to do? Play the guessing game?"

"I mean we could!"

"Let's just get to work," I say.

"Yes sir!" Jason giggles. I really hate this. Why does everything happen to me? "Here I'll put us in a group chat, give me your number Luke!"

"Uh okay... it is (012)345-6789," amazing now I have to have their phone numbers in my phone.

The bell rings and I pack up and start to head to my last class. I honestly find it interesting that I only have 6 classes. In my last school, we had 8. However, the classes here are a bit longer. Next thing I know Jason is grabbing my arm and saying "Hey! Wait! Can we all meet up somewhere like since you to live next to each other maybe we could go to either yours or Zach's? What do you think?"

"Yeah sure we can do it at my place, ill text you the address".

Note from me ( sailing-saphire )

Hey everyone thank you so much for waiting for the chapters! Stay safe! Okii bye!!

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