chapter 5: Luke's POV

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I smell something at the door. "Mom someone's at the door"

"Okay Hunny can you go open and see who it is" 

"Yeah" I walk to the door and open it "what do you want?" There were 2 people standing in front of me. Both facing each other. The one with their backend towards me wipes around real fast. At that moment I knew who he was. Zachary. Now that I can get a better look at him I am amazed. I see why that one girl liked him so much. He's not so much handsome but more-less cute. Something I want to get my hands on. 

The girl next to Zachary starts to talk "hello! My name is stella and this is my brother Zachary. We live right next to you and thought we would come over and get to know each other. Right, Zach?"

"I uh yeah definitely" he gives a slight smile. His eyes are dark brown and his lips are pale. 

"Oh um, let me go ask" I quickly close the door. "Mom!?" 

"Yes, Hunny?" 

"The people at the door want to know if they can come in."

"Who are they?"

"Are neighbors. Or so they say."

"And they came here to greet us?"

"Uh yeah" 

"Well let them in. If they came to visit dont let them stand out there."

"O-okay mom" I walk back to the door and open it. "Okay. You can come in" the girl shoves Zachary aside. 

"Thank you so much for letting us come in!" She puts her hand out to shake. "I'm stel-"

"Sis you told him already." Zachary sighed.

"Nice to meet you both." We walk into the living room. "Oh um I'm luke."

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