Chapter 23: Luke pov

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I feel my face get red. How did she know? I never told her? Why does she know? How is it clear? I have all these questions and no way to ask because I'm too scared.

"Sorry I should have thought before I spoke!"

"Wait! Wait... Wait." Jason repeats himself. "Is this true Luke!? Like I won't be weirded out or anything... okay maybe a little... but I'm not gonna stop being friends with you dude. Just means more hot babes for me!"

"Um well you see..." I can't find a way to lie my way out of this. For some reason I don't have the willpower to hide it... "Yes it's true.."

"See, tell you Jason. Don't worry Luke I'm pan so it's cool!"

"Wait... you like pans?" Jason asked with a confused look.

"What?" Mia looks at him "are you dumb? No stupid i like all genders!"

"I'm so confused... but okay!"

I feel a wave a calm-ness flow through me. "Wait your pan!?" my brain is just now rendering that.

"Yeah!" Mia seems overly happy about it. Anyone who wants to come over and have fun! We can break up with Zach!

"We!?" Jason says

"I wish I could but I need to get home before my dad kills me!"

"Oh that's okay Luke maybe next time!"

"Wait, I wanna know how the breakup goes though! Let me know."


I ran home as fast as I could. Once I see Zachary's house I see him standing in the lawn taking out trash. I wonder if i could talk to him. As I start to approach him I stop. I shouldn't. I see him pull out his phone. He took a small glance before putting it back. "You know if you're gonna stare might as well say something" I hear him say.

Then I realize he's talking to me! "Sorry i was just-"

"Staring? Yeah I realized."

"No well yeah but i was thinking!"

"Mm sure. Look, I'm not a dick. I was low on my blood intake. I'll apologize to the rest tomorrow... and I'm sorry for how I acted. But it does not change what I did.

"I never thought you were a dick!"

"Come On"

I was confused for a minute, it's true I never thought he was a dick.

"Come On let's go inside."


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