Chapter 22: Luke pov

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**this story consent strong language**

On our way home everyone was quiet. Not one word. That was until Jason spoke up. "Hey, y'all how about we get some ice cream? You know to cheer you two up!"

"Who said we were sad?" Mia said with sniffles in between each word.

"I mean you are sniffling Mia..." I say. I'm not necessarily sad, just kinda in an understanding mood. I get where he was coming from. We did have really no right to be there.

"Well since we skipped, we should really get ice cream..." Jason says

"You just want ice cream don't you?" Mia said, still trying to hold her tears in.

"Not at all!" Jason said, winking.

"Fine, just because I want some too." Mia started smiling a little, not much though. I could see she still wanted to cry. Feel kind of  bad for her. Like they were dating but he did not seem to care.

We arrived at the ice cream store. Mia had ordered a hot fudge sundae, and Jason had got a banana split. I had no idea what to get but Mia insisted I get a caramel-covered ice cream bar so that's what I ordered.

"Are we going back to school..?" I had asked. I am a little worried that my dad will find out I skipped some classes...

"Well... we just have one class left... so I don't really see a point in going back."

"Yeah I mean she got a point. Luke-e boy"

"Please don't call me that" I say a little weirded out. "And- '' I start before being interrupted.

"You know what!? Fuck him, fuck his cuteness fuck it all!" yelled Mia. She is so loud i'm pretty sure my eardrums busted.

"Mia it sounds like you wanna do him instead of being mad at him. And WOW WHERE HAS THIS SIDE OF MIA BEEN ALL MY LIFE" Jason said.

"Uh yeah i agree with you for one Jason" i stated "And i thought you had a crush on him for like forever?"

"Not anymore, you can have him Luke!"

"WHAT!?" Both I and Jason yell.

"H-h-have him!? What i-i-is that supposed to m-mean?" I stammered in my words, shocked by what she had said.

"Yeah Mia! Luke-e boy likes sexy girls, beautiful girls, or I thought he does. Like I was for sure he was gonna take you away from Zach!"

"What!? You cant tell? Mia looks confused and i am really worrying about what she is about to say "it's obvious he likes guys i know for a while now he does need to confirm its just that clear!"

I feel my face get red. How did she know? I never told her? Why does she know? How is it clear? I have all these questions and no way to ask because I'm too scared. 

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