Chapter 16: Zachary's POV

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"Dude there's your girlfriend! Next to wolf boy!" Jason said as he pointed to Mia and Luke. "better watch out or he's gonna take your girl."

"I doubt that," I say.

"Whatever you say, boss, let's go sit with them." We walk up to their table. " heyyy" Jason says.

"hey mia," I look over to luke "hey luke." Luke nods, not saying a word.

"Hey Zach," Mia replies.

"Hey, what about me!?"

"Hey Jason," Mia rolls her eyes. "Soo Zach... what are you doing later?"

"Uh not much, why?'' I say as I stuff my face full of food. I can see Luke looking at me. As if he is trying to kill me with his piercing stare.

"Well..." she starts. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me...?"

"Oh," I say "As much as I would love to can't. It's a too early notice for my dad..."

"Oh, that's okay! Maybe another time!" She said overly happy. I mean it's not like I don't want to go but my dad is so strict when it comes to things like this. I haven't even told him about us...

The bell rings meaning lunchtime is over. I head to my next class. I don't have many classes with Luke, only 1st and 5th hour. I'm glad I don't have many classes with him. For some reason, I feel like he doesn't like me. That's okay. I don't want him to like me. I walk into 5ht hour. Luke is already at his desk. The teacher gave us seats at the beginning of the school year. Unfortunately, I had an open seat next to me in the back. So when Luke moved to this school he was sat next to me. Jason is in the front of the classroom. "Okay, class! Today we will be working on a project" grate no I have to work with people. "I have picked the people you will be working with. 1st up is Zachary, Jason, and Luke" perfect just what I needed. At Least I got Jason. he continues to go on. After finishing telling people who they are with. "Okay, you guys get to pick what you want you what to work on as long as it is science-related. Okay, go to your partners!"

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