chapter 7: lukes POV

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"So... where did you guys come from?" The girl asked. I already have forgotten her name.

"Across the country. We were first in Florida." My mom said. I can still see Zachary looking at my mom. I feel this sudden rage. Then all of a sudden he seems to snap back into reality.

"Sis we have to go. I think dad is home" Zachary sounds panicked. Like he's is not supposed to be here.

"Oh okay. Well, we have to leave now. Nice meeting you two!" The sister waved goodbye as they walked out the door.

Huh, I wonder what that was about..."Luke hun, do you know that boy. Did you meet him at school?"

"Oh um kinda." I say "the girl that showed me around told me about him. Why do you ask mom?"

"Oh, no reason. Just next time they not to make it look too obvious." Mom Winks at me. Obvious of what. What is she getting at?

*a few hours past*

My dad burst through the door. "Luke go to your room I need to talk to you mom"


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