chapter 14: Zachary POV

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Monday, today is the day. I'm not nervous or anything. I mean I never had feelings for anyone. I have to give this ago. If not my dad will be disappointed. Better get going it's nearly 8:00.

*at school ( before )*

"Hey dudeee! You gonna do it?" Jason asked.

"I have to. 'Keep the family going'" I say mimicking my dad. "Do you know where she is?"

"Right over there. With Mr. Wolf boy"

"Oh... well here I go!" I walk up to Mia and luke. "Hey um Mia, Right?"

"Yes, that is me." Her voice is soft and cute. And sound like a song. "D-did you need something?" I see her face start to get red.

"Uh yeah actually" I see Luke staring at me "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."

Her mouth drops. And her eyes start to sparkle. "YES OF COURSE!" She yells. I see luke cover his ears due to her yelling. "Oh my God"

"Good" I laugh. "Here is my number. Give me a call soon." I somewhat run back to Jason. Just in time for classes to start.

I'm sitting in class trying to pay attention, however, this is just downright boring. Then I get a text from an unknown number.

*texts between Mia and Zachary*

Hey its Mia, thought I'd text you so you have my number😁.

Oh hey, yeah thank you.

Of course.

😩school sucks. I wanna get out of here.

Oh, ima sorry. You gotta do good in school though. You know your dad's a big league.

🤨does everybody know the family thing?

Pretty much 😅.


Well, I have to go, see you at lunch?


*end of text*

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